Part 3- The Day After

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Hyungwon woke up the next morning, completely emerged into his blanket. He felt no desire to get up, despite it being Friday. Still, he eventually groggily rolled over and saw it was nearly seven a.m.

"Shit!" He suddenly threw his blankets away. I forgot to set the alarm! He tried to quickly get out of bed, but ended up falling onto the floor with a loud bang, his legs feeling a little shaky. "Damn Wonho..." he muttered to himself.

"Hyungwon!" He heard his brother call from downstairs. "Are you okay, what's going on up there?"

"I'm fine!" he responded desperately. Oh god he can never ever find out about last night. Honestly what the hell was I thinking letting Wonho of all people seduce me like that? He quickly shook his head. "I don't have time for that right now." He got up and went into his bathroom to shower.


After he'd showered he stepped back into his room, holding a towel around his waist, and brushing his teeth at the same time. He went to look at himself in the full body mirror and nearly choked on his toothpaste. I'm covered in freaking hickeys!! He quickly ran to the bathroom to rinse his mouth out and then took a closer look. Sure enough there were prominent pink bruises along his neck and chest. "It was our first time, the fuck he bite me so much for?" He scoffed a little. He then quickly threw on some pants and a baggy turtleneck to cover it up.

He checked the clock again and realized he was already out of time. Normally he'd never leave the house before properly doing his hair and skin care routine, but right now he didn't have a choice. He grabbed his stuff threw it in his bag and went to leave out the door.

He jumped a little when he saw Chiwon right outside his bedroom about to knock. "Christ... you scared the hell out of me."

Chiwon chuckled seeming amused, but also slightly confused. "A little jumpy this morning?"

"Um... not really," He trailed off, hoping his brother didn't suspect something.

"The bus just drove by," Chiwon stated with a disappointed look, but he couldn't hide a hint of a smile poking through.

"What?? Ugh no... not again," Hyungwon whined his shoulders deflating.

"Lucky for you I don't have work till a little later so I can drive you." The older sibling offered.

"Yes! Thank god." Hyungwon started to step around him to head downstairs before stopping in his tracks at the top of the steps. He suddenly felt a strange anxious feeling form in the pit of his stomach. "Wonho isn't here right?"

"No," Chiwon responded looking at him somewhat strangely. "Why?"

"Oh it's nothing," the younger responded quickly making his way down the stairs. He shook his head as he slipped his shoes on by the front door. The hell Hyungwon? Just act natural. "Hurry Chiwon or I'll be late!"

"Alright alright." His brother stated making his way down the stairs. "It's not like you to be in such a rush, it's strange." He casually put his shoes on. "Whatever I guess, let's go." He brushed past him and stepped outside.

Hyungwon sighed in relief before following him, locking the door behind him.


Hyungwon waved goodbye to his brother after he dropped him off in front of the school. He turned around to face the building, but his feet wouldn't move towards it. He jumped a little as a group of girls behind him giggled suddenly. They walk past him, without giving him a second glance.

"Oh my go no way!" One of them shouted.

He sighed to calm himself. I guess I am jumpy... what am I so nervous for anyway? He shook his head and began going into the building. Once he walked through the front doors he was hit with a gust of warm air and the loud sound of students chattering through the hall. He felt himself shrink slightly, the anxious feeling once again filling the pit of his stomach. What the Hell? He looked around feeling like everyone was staring at him; which a large amount of people were, but that was normal for him. Besides, him standing in the middle of the hall gawking at everyone probably didn't help. He started to move his feet despite them feeling glued to the floor. The noise seemed to keep growing louder around him and every laugh pierced through his ears. He felt like everyone was talking about him. His chest suddenly felt tight and he was finding it hard to breathe. He didn't even hear Kihyun call him from down the hall and instead ducked into the closest bathroom, thanking god it was empty. He dropped his bag to the floor and moved over to the sink, rolling up his sleeves, turning on the faucet, and splashing cool water on his face. He wasn't as hot now, but was still working on regulating his breathing.

A Certain Kind Of Hatred { Hyungwonho }Where stories live. Discover now