Part 11- An Unwanted Encounter

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Hyungwon walked into school actually happy for the first time in what seemed like forever. Sure, there was a slight worry about how some people would react to his new relationship status with Wonho, but the truth of the matter was, he actually had a status with Wonho. They were dating, which he didn't think was even possible, but it made everything else honestly seem like it didn't matter.

A girl tripped in front of him, letting out a small scream as her and the supplies she was holding went barreling across the hallway floor in front of her.

"Are you okay?" He stopped helping her pick them up.

"Oh yeah I'm fine thank you." She replied standing up straight with slightly scraped knees.

"Not again..."
"Honestly girl talk about two left feet."
"Sorry about that."
A few more girls, who assumed to be her friends approached them.

"It's alright." Hyungwon chuckled. "Just be more careful next time, kay?" He began to walk away.

"OMG Wait Do you know who that is??" One of the girls asked the group. "It's Hyungwon."

"The one dating Wonho-oppa??" Another asked in excitement. "So handsome!"

"No way really??" The girl who fell asked before all four of them broke out into a squeal. "The visuals!"

"I know right talk about a BL power couple!" The girls then all giggled.

Hyungwon couldn't help but smile a little, happy at least someone supported them being together. He turned the hall to walk towards his locker when a hand popped out of the bathroom and pulled him in. He felt his heart skip a beat before realizing who it was and chuckled. "Wonho! You're gonna give me a heart attack."

"Sorry." The older smiled. "Good morning baby."

Hyungwon gave him an odd look.

"What? Not used to pet names? Or do you just not like baby?" Wonho asked. "How about... just babe? Sweetheart? Honey? Darling? Love..?"

Hyungwon couldn't help but smile at the last one, feeling his cheeks warm slightly.

Wonho chuckled at his reaction. "Love it is then."

Hyungwon sighed, only slightly annoyed by the teasing. "I'm gonna be late for class..."

"Alright, Just meet me in the parking lot after school. I'll drive you home okay?" The shorter asked.

"Mhm." Hyungwon nodded.

"Good." Wonho then grabbed the strap of the taller's bag pulling him down into a deep, drawn out kiss, before pulling away slowly with a slight smirk. "See you later, Love." He walked out of the bathroom.

Hyungwon shook his head slightly, touching his lips before leaving as well, almost running smack into Kihyun on his way out.

"Oh!" The shorter male exclaimed, looking down the hall in the direction Wonho went. "There you are." A sly smile then took over his expression. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing." Hyungwon replied quickly. "You think too much."

"Hm, whatever you say, we all know how much 'nothing' can lead to when it comes to you two." Kihyun teased him. "Now come on or we'll be late."


Hyungwon sat at his usual table at lunch, when suddenly the seat next to him, which was usually empty, became occupied, and a smiling Wonho wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Hey Love, did you miss me today?"

"It's only been a few hours..." Hyungwon replied before looking over to see Shownu sitting next to Kihyun; the small boy just nervously keeping his eyes glued to his tray of food. Minhyuk also sat between Changkhyun and Jooheon. "Why did you guys move to sit with us?"

A Certain Kind Of Hatred { Hyungwonho }Where stories live. Discover now