Part 10- Compicated Relations

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❤️Wonho❤️ monbebe love you... always.

Hyungwon sat in his first period class honestly just scribbling random lines in his notebook instead of taking notes. He couldn't focus, all he could think about was his brother and Wonho, who hadn't shown up for school that day, so he couldn't even talk to him about what had happened.

Whatever did actually happen... he still didn't know where he stood with him, and it was starting to really frustrate him to the point he was too tired to even want to think about it. But there Wonho was, always popping up in his mind.

He sighed quietly letting his pencil fall on his desk before laying his head down. He regretted coming to school today too. He hardly slept again, but he came just in case he'd see him. Damn it Hyungwon what's happened to us? He thought to himself. Doing things you don't want to just for some guy... Love really does change people...

Jooheon looked over to him, gently poking him with the eraser end of his pencil,when the teacher was turned towards the board. 'Are you okay?' He mouthed to him.

Hyungwon just nodded simply.

The younger didn't seem to believe that much and still appeared concerned. He looked over to Kihyun who seemed just as worried.

Hyungwon turned away from them, laying his head in the opposite direction, and just closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep even if just for a bit.


Wonho sat in a café nervously spinning his thumbs across the ring of his coffee mug as he waited. He checked his phone for the time, but then continued to stare out the large window next to his table. His posture instinctively straightened as he saw Chiwon approaching from the outside.

The little bell above the door rang like a warning sign as the older male walked through the door. He simply flashed Wonho a polite but silent smile, before walking up to the counter to order, and then finally moving over to the table to sit across from him.

"Wonho, thanks for meeting me on my lunch break." Chiwon sighed folding his hands in front of him on the table's surface.

"No problem..." Wonho trailed off a little awkwardly. He shifted in his seat, cupping his hands around the mug and fiddling with the handle a bit. "How is work?"

"Busy as usual." Chiwon explained monochromatically. "Our big project will be finished soon though so hopefully I'll have a bit more time to myself. I really ought to spend more time with Hyungwon, I don't want him to feel like he has any less of a family than he already does."

Wonho nodded not knowing what else to say. He couldn't look him in the eyes. The mentiomed name made him even more nervous, almost feeling like his heart was trying to jump to his throat.

Just then the barista came over, giving Chiwon his order and smiling politely. He thanked her quietly before she walked away and he was able to focus back on their conversation.

"Speaking of Hyungwon," he paused to take a sip of his drink. "I guess I should get to why I asked you to come talk to me."

Chiwon's calm and collected manner was scaring Wonho and he couldn't seem to hold it back anymore. "I'm sorry!" He blurted semi-loudly. "I promise you I really never had any bad intentions, and I know he's your little brother and I know how protective you are of him, but that's why I couldn't tell you... I'm sorry I lied, I really am, but I promise you I never did any of this to hurt him or you. And I wasn't just messing around I-" he seemed lost on how to finish the sentence. "You have every right to be angry. Maybe I was being too selfish but-"

A Certain Kind Of Hatred { Hyungwonho }Where stories live. Discover now