Epilogue: Forever

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Hyungwon smiled as he held his boyfriend's hand, walking down the thin path of the park, which had become one of their favorite places to go together. He thought over the last few months they'd officially been together. It seemed so long ago to him now that he was scowling at the thought of Wonho driving him to school in the morning. Back then, if someone would have told him that he and Wonho would have gone through all they had, and ended up here, he would have called them batshit-crazy. Yet here they were.

He sighed slightly looking up at the silver moon, not quite full yet, but bright just the same.

"Hyungwon, look!" Wonho exclaimed in a hushed tone.

Hyungwon looked to him first feeling warmth spread through his chest upon seeing then older male's happy expression, his eyes shining more than the moonlight. He then forced his gaze away to look around at what he was alerting him to.

"The first snow." Wonho smiled happily.

Hyungwon stopped walking, looking around at the large flakes falling from the sky in large quantities, yet landing calmly, beginning to rest on nearby benches and blades of grass, illuminated only by the lampposts around them. He was mesmerized by the sight and didn't notice the other male suddenly watching him directly.

"Hyungwon..." Wonho finally gained the younger's attention, taking both his hands and standing in front of him. He gently rubbed his thumbs against his partner's knuckles in circular motions before looking up to meet his eyes once again. "I love you."

Hyungwon widened his eyes for a moment, finding himself unable to speak. Forever he had wished to hear those words, longed for them, yearned to hear Wonho's voice utter them towards him, yet he almost never thought it would happen. Hearing them now felt incogitable, ethereal, almost as if they could fade from his imagination in an instant. But they didn't, because they were real. He found his voice again trying hard to get the words out before he had to choke anything back. "I love you too Wonho."

Wonho smiled leaning up to press their lips together, drawing out the moment, nothing but the slight sound of snowflakes falling onto things around them. He pulled away and chuckled slightly letting Hyungwon's hands go and moving his thumbs to wipe the few tears streaming down the taller's face. "Don't cry Hyungwon..." he spoke softly trying not to sound like a hypocrite over the few large droplets that managed to sneak their way past his eyelids. "We're together, you don't have to cry anymore..."


"Hyungwon wake up. Love? Love, wake up, we're almost there."

Hyungwon opened his eyes slowly, looking around to see the back of a cab. He lifted his head off of his boyfriend's broad shoulder and looked at him, rubbing his eye lightly.

Wonho chuckled at him. "Morning beautiful." He used his fingers to gently brush down a few pieces of the taller's hair that were stuck out of place. "You seemed quite blissful. What were you dreaming about?"

Hyungwon sighed calmly, wrapping his hand around the other male's "The first time you said you loved me."

"Really??" He asked in slight surprise. "That was three years ago."

"I still remember it clearly." Hyungwon replied. "So cheesy, doing it during the first snow."

"Hey, you were the one who started crying first." Wonho defended.

Hyungwon huffed slightly, hitting the older's arm gently.

"Ah, we're here." Wonho suddenly said as the driver pulled over. He paid him the fee before reaching over Hyungwon and opening the door; both of them getting out and walking toward the small restaurant hand-in-hand.

A Certain Kind Of Hatred { Hyungwonho }Where stories live. Discover now