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I woke up the next morning dreading the flight to California. One of the reasons was because the flight is at 8:30 meaning I had to wake up at 6.

I tried snoozing my alarm but Parker quickly slapped my hand. Another reason I'm envious of Parker: she has ZERO trouble getting out of bed in the morning, where as I am late to anything because of the dumb snooze button.

"Parker, please let me sleep another five minutes," I beg.

"No, Holly. Get up and finish the last of your packing, or you're going to be late and you're going to make your mom late."

"Would that really be such a bad thing?" I look at her and question.

I could tell that she couldn't find words to say to argue with that, so she just shrugs her shoulders and ripped the covers off my body.

"You're actually the spawn of Satan," I said as I finally rolled out of bed.

A little while later we were at the airport. Parker's mom came and picked us up from my house so that our cars wouldn't be left there for so long.

This would be the hard part about leaving. Mom and I get to go through security together but I have to leave my best friend before the line.

I pulled Mrs. Dante into a hug while Parker hugged my mom. After that I looked Parker in the eyes and couldn't help but to tear up. I quickly hugged her around the shoulders tightly.

"Oh my God, I'm crying so much," Parker sniffles and wiped her eyes on my jacket. I refused to say anything or let go. Tears started rolling from my eyes, and they wouldn't stop.

"Text me every step of the way, and I expect a call when you get to LA, I won't settle for less," she says. I just nod into her neck.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you more," I finally look at her and we laugh at eachother's tear stained face.

"Not true," I pull her in for one more quick hug, and mom and I start to head towards security check, only turning back to wave bye one more time.

We get through and mom walks with me to my gate. Her flight isn't until later, so she is staying with me until I have to board my plane. We talked about all sorts of stuff — how excited she is to meet the kids, how nervous I was to live with dad, and anything else we could think of.

As the receptionist call over the intercom telling us we were almost ready to board, I began wishing we had more time.

What if something happens to her? What if something happens to me? I don't think either of us could live with ourselves if we found out something went wrong.

"Don't worry about anything, Holland, I promise you everything will be fine," she said, basically reading my mind. When she saw that I was about to cry, again, she pulled me into a hug.

"You are smart, and beautiful, and talented, and you are going to make so many friends, you hear me?" I nod into her shoulder, similar to how I did to Parker.

"Flight 309 to Los Angelas, California will begin boarding in 5 minutes," the lady over the intercom says.

"No, mom, I don't want you to go," I can't control the tears at this point. "How am I supposed to live with dad for 9 months when he's barley treated me like a daughter for 17 years?"

"I promise you, it won't be as bad as you think, and I'm sure he will be good to you."

I spent the rest of the time embraced in her hug, and when they called up my boarding group, she walked me over to the sign. I waved goodbye as they began checking everyone's boarding pass and carry on bags, and I made my way on board.

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now