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Daniel deals the cards, and I lean back in the couch to look at mine. They're terrible. Like actually I don't think these card qualify as anything.

"I'm gonna do the green first," I say, deciding that since my cards are so bad I'll just pick the winner this round.

I pick up the green card, and read it out loud.


Everyone takes a second to look through their cards and put one down in front of me. When everyone had put them down, It was my turn to read them.

"Gorillas. Turtles, what the fuck," I shook  my head, but continued reading, "George Washington? Who put this?" I turn my head to look at Jack because it seems like something he'd put. He starts bursting out laughing. It was definitely him. "Sand, Of Mice of Men, and onions."

After I pause for a second to pick my answer, I finally decide on gorillas.

"Whose was this?" I said, holding the card up. I immediately regret the decision when Zach stood up and yelled that it was his card.

"Take that, suckers," Zach says, rubbing the card in everyones face. If there was a card with the word Zach on it, it would definitely win the 'annoying' category.

"Sit down, no one cares, retard," Jack says to him. Zach immediately goes to jump on him, but hits his shin on the table, causing every one of us to burst out in laugher. I swear I see tears in Zach's eyes, and for a split second, I feel bad.

But then I remember how funny it was.

"He's an idiot!" Rita says between her laughter.

Zach is still holding his shin when he says, "Ok. Ok. I get it I'm stupid. What's new? I'm just gonna get a new green card now."

Laughter dies down as he picks it up, and reads it out loud.

"Scary," he said and he gets up to fill a plastic bag with ice. I mentally laugh because of what just happened, and because I have the perfect card for this category.

When he sits back down, everyone has already put a card in, and he begins reading them. I see his eyes reading over each one, and then he closes them and sighs deeply.

"Who the hell put cramps?" he speaks quietly.

I try to compress my laughter, but I can't, and soon enough I can't breath because I'm laughing so hard. Everyone joins me in yet another laughing fest, except Zach of course.

"Can we please keep her?" Jack says out loud to the whole group. Wow I didn't know it'd be so easy to make friends with these people. All I had to do was make fun of Zach.

Zach gives us all evil glares and continues to speak through the laughter, "Well, you didn't win, brat. I pick Marylin Monroe."

This makes all of us laugh even harder at the fact that he would pick Marylin Monroe for the 'scary' category.

"What the fuck, dude? Marylin Monroe?!" Jonah speaks through his laughter.

"She's intimidating!" He defends himself.

"It's only okay because I won," Lexi brags to everyone and grabs the green card. "But still, Zach, what kind of idiot picks Marylin Monroe for scary? I was throwing away that card."

Hey guys what's up?? I just finished a tennis tournament and thought I'd post. You're welcome Lauren.

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now