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It's been a week since I first got here. Dad's taken me to dinner every night. I think it's because he feels bad. He knows I don't want to stay this long, and all that my days have been filled with now is laying in bed all day until dad comes home for work and takes me to dinner.

I'm actually kind of excited to start my schooling because I've been bored out of my mind all week and I'm in desperate need of friends.

Dad is taking me to the studio early today, even though the other kids won't be there till later in the afternoon. He wants to show me around because I've never actually been there out of all the times I've stayed at his house.

"If you want, Holly, the recording booth has some open hours, and you can sign up to use it every once and a while," he said to me as we're in the car going to the studio.

"Dad—" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"I'm not saying you have to do anything else but record it and have it for your own. You could even wait until your friend gets here for Christmas."

I nod my head instead of saying anything. It really doesn't sound that bad, having our songs recorded and produced, even if it's just for us.

When we get to the studio, dad shows me around and introduces me to his partners. The time for me to meet all the other kids inches closer, and with every minute I get more nervous.

"Holly," my dad speaks. We've been in his office waiting. "It's almost time for you to head over to the room. Do you want me to walk with you?"

"No, dad, I should be fine."

"Remember to—"

"Be yourself, I know," I cut into his sentence.

"You're not going to be the only new one. Ryan, my new partner, told me he was putting his daughter into it also."

At least that made me feel a little better. I won't be the only one that doesn't know anyone. I smile at him and start getting my stuff together.

"I'll see you later," I say and I walk out of his office.

I make my way down the hall and to the elevator. When I get into it, there is a girl who looks around my age standing in the corner. She is tall and burnet and wearing a cute sundress. The button for the floor I'm supposed to go to is already pushed, and that's the only floor they do schooling on, so I work up the nerve to talk to the girl.

"Are you doing the whole schooling thing too?" I ask her.

She looks at me and says, "Oh my Gosh, yes. I was gonna ask you but I got too nervous."

I took a deep breath, thankful that I'm not the only terrified one.

"Thank God I'm not the only nervous one for this," I said. "I'm Holly by the way."

"I'm Rita, and I can assure you I'm terrified as hell right now. I have no idea how any of this is going to work."

"Well we can help each other through it."

"That sounds great to me," she smiled, and we walked out of the elevator together. A rush of relief washes through me because I've successfully made a friend and won't be alone all day.

When we walk into the room, there are already a few kids in there. They are all standing around a desk at the front of the room laughing.

"Should we introduce ourselves? I mean they all look like they know eachother already. Will we be be judged?" Rita basically reads my mind saying this.

Luckily the teacher walks in and tells us to take our seats before we have to make the decision to talk to the other kids. I, of course, sit by Rita, seeing as she's the only person I know. A few stragglers linger in, but the seats behind Rita and me remain empty. In all there are around 15 kids.

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now