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The first two days of school went by pretty quickly. Me and Rita have gotten way closer, I met Lexi, and me and Jake have hit sarcastic joke level.

Rita and I took Lexi under our wing, deciding that we were going to be the ultimate 3 amigos. I hope that plan doesn't fall through. I would really like for my assumption about everyone in LA being arrogant assholes to be wrong. These people don't really seem like they are, though.

After school today, Jake invited all of us to go over to his house. He says he would've already invited us, but he wanted to wait till today because Zach is coming and he wouldn't be the only boy anymore.

I'm kinda nervous to meet Zach. I can't stop picturing the Zach I already met. If it turned out to be that Zach, I don't know what I would do. I know it would take some sort of magic for that to come true, but either way, I put on my best outfit just in case. Always gotta make a good first impression, am I right?

I was sitting turned backwards towards Lexi when I saw a body walk in the front of the room.

Don't turn around until introduced. I told myself. So I fight the urge to turn around and look at the boy, but that doesn't stop me from listening.

"I want to introduce you to the new two," Jake said, but I kept with my conversation and didn't turn back.

"This is Rita,"

"Hi," she said and she reached out her hand, but I kept looking down.

This isn't as big a deal as you're making it.

"And here," Jake started, "is Holly."

I take this chance to look up at the boy, and just as I had hoped, I see that same pair of brown eyes I had seen for the first time a little over a week ago.

"Hmm... have we met?" Zach said playfully. All I could do is grin and blush like a 12 year old girl.

"Wait have y'all?" Jake asked, actually concerned.

"Long story," I say, finally breaking eye contact with Zach and looking down.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again," Zach said. When I look back up at him, he is still staring straight at me.

"I can the same about you." At that point Mrs. Toranata walks into class, and Zach sits down in the only seat left in the room— the one behind me.

The sad thing is, he doesn't say a word to me the whole class. Although, I didn't turn around and talk to him either, so I guess I can't be mad.

At break he talks to Lexi and Jake, with Rita and me on the side. Rita steps in the conversation way more than I do due to the facts that I'm still shaking because of how in shock I am that Zach is in this class. Who's kid is this? How is he here?

"Hey, after class, walk with me to my dads office, and we will tell the others we will meet them at Jakes." Rita whispers to me. I nod my head at her to let her know I will.

The conversation continues after that. They begin talking about what we are doing today, and what we should do this weekend.

"Well, the boys and I are finishing up some stuff for the album this weekend but I could probably hang out a little," Zach says.

"Wait--" I am ultimately confused at this point. "Album?" I ask.

"Holly, Zach is in a band," Lexi said. Everyone, except Rita looked at me like I was dumb.

"I knew he looked familiar!" Rita exclaimed. Now everyone was looking at her the way they had looked at me.

"What band?" I asked, my mouth still hung open from shock. The more I thought about, the more I realized that I don't know this boy at all. I sat on that plane, and I talked about myself. I mean, I asked him questions, but it was mostly him asking me stuff. Even when I did ask him stuff that had to do with why he was going to LA and reasons that a band could quite easily fall into the conversation, he never mentioned he was in one.

"Why Don't We," he said, not making eye contact with me for more than 2 seconds, which is not a lot considering there are 60 seconds in one minute.

This past week, I've layed in my bed daydreaming about when I would see him again, coming up with so many different scenarios that ultimately end up with us falling in love. I didn't think I'd ever see him again, and right now, the daydreams have turned out way better than real life. Isn't that how it always works though? When reality hits, and we are forced to stop daydreaming, isn't that when every thing goes downhill?

Maybe he felt bad on the plane because he knew I was crying, and he never expected to see me again either, not like this at least, so he pretended to be interested in my life so I would feel like I wasn't alone. I hoped that wasn't true, and that was he was just as nervous and confused as I am, but I tell myself that I need to stop daydreaming, and get back to reality.

"Aren't the boys coming by my house tonight?" Jake asks. All the others are unaware of anything between Zach and me.

"Yeah, Jack is gonna pick us up," Zach replies. I see him glacé towards me out of the corner of my eye, but I refuse to look at him and give him satisfaction. You would think he's actually done something wrong with how petty I'm being, but is there actually a time when a boy is right? Ever??

"Well, Holly and I are stopping by my dad's office for a few minutes, so you guys can either wait for us, or we can get a cab," Rita offers, but Zach quickly declined saying they would wait for us in the car garage downstairs.

Class continues, and I can honestly say it is one of the longest classes I've sat through in my entire life.

hey yo guys. I'm going to Honduras tomorrow so this is the last update for a week. I will update when I get back. 

It's been a mega- weird few days like i wish y'all knew, but thanks so much for reading I hope y'all enjoy it and spread the word :)

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now