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After getting up to pee and watching a few episodes of Spongebob that I had downloaded on my laptop, the plane was landing.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye?" Zach said as the plane hit the ground.

"I mean we're probably still gonna be sitting here for like 15 minutes, and then there's getting off the plane, and baggage claim, and blah blah blah," Zach rolled his eyes at me.

"So you're saying you want to walk with me to baggage claim now? I mean I didn't realize we were that far in our relationship," Zach winked as soon as he said that, and unable to come up with a comeback, I just mocked him.

When we got out of the plane, I immediately saw a sign with my name on it outside of the gates, already with my bags. The man standing beside it wasn't my dad. Instead it was a tall guy who looked about 30.

I walked up to him and said, "I'm Holly."

"Alrighty, are you ready to go?" The man said. Alrighty? WTF.

"Yeah one sec," I said and I turned around to Zach. "Bye."

"Do I not get a hug?" He joked, and I blushed, which caused him to smirk.

I went in for a quick side hug, but he wrapped both of his hands around me and my blush got even brighter when my face was in his chest. I pulled away and smiled at him before walking away, following the guy my dad sent. I looked back one more time, but Zach was out of sight.

As I sat in the back of the limo by myself, I felt another rush of loneliness like I felt before I started talking to Zach.

Back to reality, Holly.

I take my phone out of my bag and turn it's power on. LA traffic is terrible, so I assume I have a little time to talk to Parker. I click on her name in my phone and hear the rings.

She finally answers me after a few rings, and I already feel a little less homesick.

"Hey boo, did you finally make it?" She asked as she answered the phone.

"Uhh, yeah I'm in the limo right now. I'm gonna switch you to FaceTime, ok?" I click on the switch button, and soon enough her face fills my screen.

"How was the flight? Did you ever talk to cute boy?" She wriggled her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, I did. Actually, we talked the whole flight." She gasped when I told her this.

"What could y'all have possibly talked about for 3 hours?"

"Literally everything. It really took my mind off things, but I don't even know his last name, so I can't search him up."

I really should've asked for his last name or instagram or something of the sort, but I'm stupid and retarded.

"Hey speaking of cute boys, will you send me that picture of me where John Daniels is in the back being hot?" Parker asked me. On a very regular occasion if Parker sees an opportunity, she makes me take a picture 'of her,' but it's only so she can get a picture of a hot guy in the background.

I click off of FaceTime and onto my photos app and see a couple pictures I don't remember taking.

"Parker?" I asked as I clicked on one.


"Zach took selfies on my phone. It must've been when I was in the bathroom."

"ARE YOU KIDDING? You have to send one!" She was basically yelling over the phone.

I clicked on the send button and searched her name and sent the picture I thought was the cutest.

Holla Holly: *picture message*

"Holy shit, Holly, that is one sexy mofo," she says, paused on my FaceTime looking at the picture

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"Holy shit, Holly, that is one sexy mofo," she says, paused on my FaceTime looking at the picture.

"I know right?"

"I mean look how perfectly messy his hair is and that smile and those glasses look so good. It really is a shame you didn't get his information because that right there is a really hot Greek god."

"I know, Parker, I'm really mad at myself," I said as she finally came back to FaceTime. She gave me sentimental eyes, and I could tell she felt bad for me probably because of my whole movie situation and now this.

"I'm sorry, Holly."

"It's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine," I said back. She laughed at our inside joke, and we talked until I got to my dad's house. 

When I arrived at the house, the tall guy who picked me up and who also very weirdly said 'alrighty' helped me carry my bags into the house and up the stairs. The house was gigantic, but it's not a suprise because this is where I stay anytime I visit my dad. My room is upstairs and already decorated from previous visits. There are posters on the wall of One Direction and Selena Gomez and other celebrities I've liked. I bring new posters every time I come, and this time I brought one for Sabrina Carpenter and Post Malone.

My dad must still be at work, so I stay in my room and begin packing my clothes away into the drawers. I turn on the TV to play Teen Nick because Victorious was on, and I wanted some noise to fill up the empty room.

When I'm done unpacking I lay on my bed and begin to wonder what Zach is doing, and if he's thinking the same of me. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

My dad woke me around 4 by knocking on my door. I sat up in bed and told him to come in, and when I saw who it was, I wrapped him in a hug.

"Hey sweetheart! How was your flight?" He said as he pulled away from the hug. My dad's never been one for hugs.

"It was fine," I say.

"Good. What do you say we go out to eat tonight? Sushi? I know it's your favorite." He says winking at me.

"Yeah, that sounds good, dad."

Actually Spaghettios are my favorite, but sushi is a close second.

Ok so let's pretend that picture was on a plane and not in a car, but other than that what's up guys? Zach and Holly in a plane together is what's up. ok bye. 

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