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I'm sitting in my room watching Grey's Anatomy a week after going bowling with the group when I get an instagram notification on my phone. I thought it would just be Parker sending me another meme because she's the only person who really sends me stuff, but instead it was Zach.

imzachherron: yo princess, what's your number?

I smile at my phone reading the word 'princess' and fight the urge to just give it to him. Instead I decide to mess with him a little bit.

jollyholly: what's your need for it?

imzachherron: maybe I just wanna talk

Again, I smile at my phone and decide to send him my number. A few seconds go by before I receive a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: what should your name in my phone be?

Holly: it should DEFINITELY be "Princess Holly

Princess Holly: what should yours be?

Unknown: "the hottest man alive"

Princess Holly: no, I'm definitely doing "Zach the pickle man"

Zach the Pickle Man: please noooo I'm begging you😫

Princess Holly: it's too late already done :)

Zach the Pickle Man: I hope you're not doing anything because I'm otw to your house. I'm hungry and we're going to eat.

Princess Holly: oh so that's why you needed my number. I was last resort huh?

Zach the Pickle Man: first actually ;) just be ready

I hurry to slip on a decent outfit to look at least kind of okay for Zach. After that I paint some mascara on my lashes and add some concealer where I'm breaking out.

I get a text from Zach a few minutes later saying that he was at my house and I run downstairs to inform my dad where I was going.

I paused at the bottom of the stairs and thought for a second. Is it normal for me to talk to my dad about boys? I don't feel like having that talk at this moment anyway.

As I start to walk again, my dad makes his way around the corner.

"Where ya going?" He asks me, placing his hand on the stair's railing.

"I'm going to eat dinner with some of the band guys," I reply to him, completely lying. I mean what if I'm not lying? What if Zach is actually with the other guys and I'm just overthinking?

"Alright, actually I have something I want you you to ask them. I need them to come over here for dinner Tuesday at," he pauses to look at the planner that was already in his hands. "Tuesday at 7."

He leans in to kiss my forehead and tells me to make sure they all come. It hits me that I haven't even thought about how Zach knows where I live. They've never picked me up or dropped me off before, but I know now it's because my dad is the guy who oversees every move they make, and they're probably here all the time. I wonder if they've ever been in my room before.

My room is pretty bad ass not gonna lie. Aside from all the posters I've got a corner where I can hang my eno hammock, a really comfortable couch, cool lights that change colors, a good TV, a huge closet, and don't even get me started on the bathroom. I guess that's the perks of having a rich dad. Back in Texas all I had in my room was a bed and a good desk. Of course I had a closet and a bathroom, they just weren't nearly as big or nice.

I snap back into reality and head out the door towards Zach's extremely nice car. We watch each other the entire time I'm walking. Just like I had hoped, no one is in the car with him.
My mussels twitch and I find myself flipping the boy off for no apparent reason. Instead of reciprocating, he holds his hand in a heart shape and smiles at me.

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now