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Zach is the first one to go in the apartment. Literally he typed in the code to the lock and everything like it wasn't Jake's house. Two other boys were already sitting on the couch when we walked in.

"It took y'all long enough," a guy with dark hair and ocean blue eyes joked.

"Well some people took a long time getting to the car," Zach said and motioned towards Rita and me.

"Wow, you literally just met us, and you're bashing us already," Rita shakes her head in shame of the boy.

From the bathroom, I hear a toilet flush, and then out comes another teenage boy with bleach blonde hair. I then hear a loud clank, and I look over to see Lexi on Jack's back yanking his hair while he tries to free himself of her.

"You said he wasn't coming you little-" she began to yell.

And then I hear another clank on the other side of the room and turn to see the blonde boy on top of the boy with the blue eyes. Wow. What did I get myself into?

"You said she wasn't gonna be here-" he also yelled.

I begin to feel left out, and I like attacking people, and I'm mad at Zach, and he's right there, so I do what anyone else would do and I jump on him. He scrambles around and tries to get me off of him, but I just yell in his ear instead. "You didn't tell me you were in an effing band, you fucker!"

All of a sudden, Zach falls to the ground, and of course like any cliche story, I land on top of him. The thing is it wasn't exactly romantic, which I could tell because of how he was grunting in pain. I stand up and dust my hands off.

"That's what you get," I say, and I turn around and dramatically flip my hair, making eye contact with Rita who honestly just looks confused.

Before I could let out another breath, I feel someone wrap their arms around me, and suddenly I was flipped over Zach's shoulder. He not-so-gently threw me onto the couch and jumped on top of me this time.

"What was that?" he smirked like he did in the airport, and I blush like I had when we first.

I try to shove him off of me but he grabs my hands and starts tickling me. So I begin to yell because tickling is my greatest weakness. And- of course- spaghettios. I kick around but it's hopeless. He is too strong for me. I hope he gets a bad fortune in his next fortune cookie because he deserves it.

"Um, hello, Zach, please don't rape girls in front of us when we don't even know their names," a boy sitting near us on the couch says. I actually haven't heard him talk this entire time.

Suddenly I'm snapped back to reality, and I realize that everyone in the room has been watching us this entire time. Well, damn. I told you I was good at first impressions.

Zach gets off of me and lifts me to where I am sitting by him on the couch.

"I'm glad that my name is the only thing that would concern you in that situation," I say looking at the older looking boy who made the statement.

"Well are you going to tell us your name?" he says.

"You tell me your name first, sassy pants," I reply.

"Jonah," he says, and I look at the other two boys sitting on the couch.

"Corbyn," the boy with the blonde hair says. He was the one who attacked the other boy, which was hilarious.

The last boy introduced himself, and told me his name was Daniel, so I decide to be next on introducing myself.

"Holly," I say, and smile.

"Holland," Zach says from beside me. Without even looking at him, I take my hand and slap it against his face, while I make eye contact with Jonah and smile again.

"Ok, that's it," Zach grabs my legs and pulls me to where I laying on the couch, which confuses me. He then gears up and pounces on my stomach and sits on top of me.

"Ok, well this is interesting," Rita finally speaks. She is standing over by where I first attacked Zach. In the corner of the room, Lexi and Jack are arguing, but only at a whisper, so none of us can hear.

"I'm Rita, nice to meet y'all," she says.

"Oh, why helloooo Rita," Jonah says, and he walks over to her and takes her hand and kisses it.

She looks straight at me, her face filled with confusion, disgust, and flattery all in one. 

"What do I do?" she says, still looking at me.

"Don't look at me, you saw how I do with boys," I reply, motioning to the boy currently sitting on top of me. 

"Wow, we are really unsocial," she speaks.

"Hello, dude I just met," Rita finally replies to the guy standing in front of her.

"Don't worry about Jonah, he's a lady's man," Zach speaks from on top of me.

"Yeah, Zach, don't worry about me. I'm only struggling to breath under here," I say, and I squirm underneath him. He slides his butt off of me, but his legs are still draped over my torso. I take a large gasp of air to catch up on all the breathing I missed. 

"Well this whole thing has been a trip," Daniel speaks from his place on the couch. 

Finally, Lexi and Jack leave from the corner of the room. Lexi walks over to the couch and sits by Corbyn. I watch the whole time, testing Jack's hypothesis. Corbyn looks over at Lexi and waits for her to meet his eye, then he smiles softly.

"Hey," I see his mouth say, but I didn't hear him over the loud sound of Zach screaming.

"Cramp! Cramp!" he yells, and he finally gets up from the couch completely freeing me from being caged on there. He lays on the ground and stretches out his leg. 

"Get the pickles out of his backpack," Daniel says calmly to Jack, who was still standing near the entrance. 

Jack reaches into Zach's red bag pack on the floor, and grabs one of those pouched pickles you'd get from the grocery store. Rita and me make eye contact, utterly confused, which other people could probably tell because Lexi has to explain how often Zach gets cramps so they have to carry around pouched pickles. 

One of the boys decided to pull out Apples to Apples for us to play. Since Zach got up, Jack decided to sneak in the seat beside me. Zach gives him a dirty look, but tries to sit on the other side. Before he could, Rita jumps over the top of the couch and steals the spot. Rita and I look at each other, nod then look back at him, smile softly, and fold one of our legs over the other. This is a thing we have gotten used to doing when we snake other people, but it's only happened like 2 other times without us talking about it. 

Zach sits in the only other available sitting place: the floor. 

Haha sucker.

Hola shitheads

JKJK I love you all thanks for reading it took a while but I'm back bitchessssss 

hope  you enjoy and vote and comment yay

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