Chapter 4

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Marinette woke up feeling anxious the next day. Only 6 days till the wedding.

She got ready and went downstairs, only to find Alya staring at a new dress.

"What's this?" asked Marinette as she advanced towards her.

"Someone left this..."

Marinette examined it, and it was the exact copy of her old dress, only cuter.

"I love it," she breathed.

Alya nodded approvingly and made an obvious check mark on her clipboard.

"How are the decorations going along?"

Marinette sighed and told her the news.

Before she even finished the sentence, Alya ran out, presumably to go get new ones.

Marinette glanced at the clipboard and the word 'Guests' was there. Checkmarked.

She gave a sigh of relief, and went to her room to relax. Alya had this covered..... right?

A few hours later, Marinette received 37 missed calls.

"What the-"

There was Rose, Juleka, Nathaniel, Ivan, Mylene, Alix, and well, pretty much everyone!

She called back Rose.


"Rose! Why is there so many missed calls on my phone?"

"Oh Marinette I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have called! We all know how you feel about us!"

Rose's voice wobbled, and the next second, the call ended.

"What's happening?" she asked herself.

She went down and Alya was there, comforting Nino.

Nino was crying, and Alya glared at Marinette.

"W-What happened?"

Alya stood so close to Marinette she could see her anger practically radiating off her.

"Oh what happened Marinette?" she said in a sweet voice. It shifted to rage as she said, "YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHAT HAPPENED!"

Marinette took a step back. Alya was scary when she was angry.


"Whoa," she interrupted. "Alya explain."

Alya took a few deep breaths to calm herself and said in an awfully controlled voice, "Every single wedding guest had a call received from you about how much you hate them, except me. Nino came and told me, and now look what you did!"

Alya hesitated before saying, "I shouldn't even be explaining this. You already know."

She turned on her heel and both of them left without another word.

Marinette groaned and fell to the floor, her knees up and hands in her face.

"What just happened Tikki?"

"I don't know Marinette! Seems like you're enemy got loose again."

Marinette was about to answer until her phone buzzed because of an akuma alert.

She sighed.

"Worst timing ever. Spots on."

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