Chapter 6

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Marinette de-transformed and landed on her balcony with a soft thump. She slowly crawled out of her trapdoor and found Alya waiting for her.

Marinette's mind flashed back to this morning, on their fight.

Alya seemed tired, as if she- no it couldn't be... right?

"Alya?" asked Marinette softly.

The words Marinette was dreading came out of Alya's lips.

"I can't do this Mari. I can't plan this myself."

Marinette nodded.

"I understand."

Alya looked painfully to Marinette's face and rubbed her temples.

"Why didn't you tell me Chloe was behind all this?"

Marinette's heart skipped a beat.


"Rose and Juleka told me you screamed Chloe's name when the decorations were ruined."

Marinette sat down and sighed, her face in her hands.

"It wasn't Chloe. Well, most of it wasn't. I didn't want to worry you."

Alya looked at Marinette, disappointed, and stood up.

"This is too stressful for me. And I'm saying that as someone who chases down akumas for the Ladyblog. Marinette if everything goes wrong, I'm not the one who can save your wedding. You are."

Alya made it halfway down Marinette's door until she added, "And I know you didn't make those calls. Lila did."

"Tikki! Everything's ruined!"

Marinette paced around her room, a few tears she didn't notice falling.

Tikki flew and wiped them off, and looked at Marinette worried.

"Marinette, everything will be ok! We have 6 days. Think positive!"

"I-I can't anymore! I was going to get married to the love of my life, have a perfect wedding, three kids with a hamster, and everything else! Now look, Alya isn't in charge, Lila and Chloe are up to no good, all the decorations are ruined, and Chat's engaged!"

Tikki sighed until Marinette's words hit her.

"You're worried Chat's engaged?"

Marinette covered her mouth.

"I'm such a horrible person," she said when she couldn't fool Tikki. "I'm getting married and I'm jealous! I'm getting married to the most perfect boy in the world, and I'm jealous of the dumb cat! What's wrong with me Tikki! I've never felt this way about Chat before!"

Tikki giggled and flew towards the girls face.

"It's normal, as long as you don't drop hints, you'll be fine!"

Marinette groaned and flopped down on her bed.

"I don't deserve Adrien."

Tikki sighed, hiding a smirk, and slowly sat on Marinette's hand.

"You don't have to listen to me, but you might want to tell Adrien about Chat. If he figures out some other way... it'll be way worse."

Marinette's eyes widened.

"Then he'll never want me! Ever! We'll break up and-"

"Hey," interrupted Tikki. "You don't have to."

Marinette thought about it and gave a defeated sigh.

"You're right... I will. Just.... when I'm ready."

Tikki nodded approvingly then looked at her owner straight in her eyes.

"Now what are we going to do about Lila?"

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