Chapter 20: 10 Years Later

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"Adrien! Can you get Hugo? We need to leave!" Marinette heard a crash from the other room and a muffled voice saying, "Sure thing bug!"

She groaned then tucked a piece of blonde hair behind her daughter's head. "You ready to go Em?"

"Mum." said a very irritated 9 year old. "I'm 9. I can handle getting ready."

"Mk. Whatever you say." They both left the room and found Adrien holding Hugo, and Louis crying on his dad's feet.

"Adrien! What happened?"

"Well you see..."

"Never mind. Forget I asked." Marinette picked up the three-year old and cradled him in her arms. "You're not a bad boy are you Hugo? Are you?" She tickled the baby's little stomach and he figeted.

"I'm twee! Mommy wet go!"

"Aw..." She released him, and turned to face Adrien. "Kitty. We have to go. What's going on?"

"Well, Louis doesn't want to wear jeans! He wants to wear black sweats! Like please! A black shirt on black sweatpants? What is this sorcery?!"

"Adrien. Let him. I'll be waiting downstairs." The bluenette took a shaky breath and Adrien squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"You know," he said softly. "Whatever happens today, we still have each other."

"But what if one of them is Hawkmoth?"

"I doubt it. C'mon buginette, we trust them don't we?"

She nodded, then went downstairs, Hugo and Emma following her lead.

"Dad! Come down! We're ready!"

They waited a few minutes, and a few screams and crashes later, a very happy Louis came down, wearing black sweats.

"He's 6!" yelled Adrien as he came down. "Only 6! Why is he in his emo stage now?"

"Minou relax. We have bigger problems to deal with. Alya and everyone else are waiting for us. Let's go."

They knocked softly on Alya and Nino's door, and a very red-faced Alya opened it.

"You're two hours late! We thought you died!"

"Sorry... we were busy."

The brunette rubbed her temples then let them in. "You better tell us why you needed us to meet here so urgently."

"It's not urgent I mean-"



As they sat down on the couch beside each other, they looked around the room, making sure there were no intruders.

Alya. Nino. Sabine. Tom.

And even though Adrien said not to, Marinette still invited him.


"Well, we wanted to tell you this before, but we think this moment is perfect. The kids- or well Emma- are old enough to understand, and Hawkmoth is more dangerous than ever."

Gabriel flinched, but that went unnoticed by the others.

"We believe," said Adrien, "That whoever has been akumatized is not Hawkmoth. Everyone here has, except Sabine, but I trust her with my life."

The young chinese woman smiled and Tom gave her a light kiss. They already knew what was going to happen, and were there for support.

"Now that Hawkmoth is stronger, we need to be stronger too. Which is why we need to tell you."

"Can you get to the point already?" asked an annoyed Alya.

They married couple took a deep breath and held each other's hands.

"You ready bugaboo?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Claws out."

"Spots on."

They transformed, and within seconds were getting interviewed by Alya, Nino, Emma and Louis. Even Hugo was staring at them wide eyed.

Little did they know Hawkmoth was right in the corner, smiling to himself.

A/N: Ta da! All done! Posting a new story on my fanfiction account.... so I'll be busy with that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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