Chapter 13

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"So.... what happened in there?"

Marinette continued to walk, not answering Adrien's question.

"Mari! Answer me!"

They stopped at the crosswalk and she sighed.

"Adrien, why did you start liking me?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"I mean why did you have a crush on me? You could've chose Lila, or even Chloe! But you chose me. Why?"

"I-I uh-"

"Never mind."

She crossed the road.

They got to the bakery and Marinette hurried to the kitchen, only to find her parents and Nathaniel laughing.


They all looked at Marinette, confused.

"Nataniel, get out."

"Marinette!" cried Sabine. "What's wrong with you?"

"He's working for the bad guys mom!"

Tom put a hand protectively over Nathaniel.

"He's not."

"Yes he is!"

Nathaniel whimpered and took a step back.

"Luka just told me!"

"Marinette," said Sabine, sternly. "That's enough. This boy did admit he was part of the Insiders-"

"The Insiders?" interrupted Marinette.

"Yes, that's the name of the group who is against your wedding. Thanks for telling me earlier," she added sarcastically.


"Anyways, he admitted it, but being here at the bakery makes him feel at home. He had never had such a joyful experience. His parents.... they're barely at home."

Marinette felt her face burn.


"Don't you have anything to say Marinette?"

"Uh- uh... I'm sorry?"

Sabine shook her head, disappointed.

"The cake should be coming out of the oven, let's go Nath."

The three left, leaving Marinette and Adrien alone.

"What was that all about?" asked Adrien.

Marinette turned to leave, but Adrien stopped her.

"Marinette tell me what's going on!"

"Adrien. I'll tell you if you answer this question. Why did you start liking me?"

Once again, Adrien was at a loss of words.

"I'll see you later," she mumbled.

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