Chapter 11

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As Marinette went inside, her lovesick smile didn't vanish until Tikki pinched her.

"Ouch! What was that for!"

"Marinette. What did you just do?!"

Marinette stared at her kwami with confusion. She didn't do anything wrong did she?

Tikki shook her head and flew around her owner's head making her dizzy.

"I think you forgot an important detail."

Marinette hesitated, then shook her head.

"No I didn't."

"Marinette! Chat's engaged."

The girl's blue eyes widened and she took a steady step back.

"I forgot."

Tikki lost it.


Tikki took a deep breath to calm herself.

"I want to you to place me near Chat Noir so I can talk to his kwami."

Marinette nodded and went straight to her bed.

4 days. 4 days left until the wedding.

As Marinette got changed, her mind flashed back to last night and guilt started taking over.

She should apologize to Tikki and... Chat? But Chat didn't know she knew he was engaged. Maybe Ladybug came and told her? No, Ladybug would never betray his trust. Oh! They were near Marinette's balcony and Marinette overheard? Too obvious? What better choice did she have?

Marinette went downstairs and found Adren waiting for her. He gave her a small smile and she sighed, knowing she couldn't escape.

"Hey Marinette."

"Hello Adrien. Would you like something from the bakery? Is that why you're here?"

Adrien gave a quick laugh and shook his head.

"We both know what I'm here for."

She sighed and took the seat beside him, feeling anxious. Should she reveal Chat? Or should she keep quiet?

"Marinette..." he said taking her hand. "You know I wouldn't do that to you."

She stared at their two hands meeting and didn't pull away.

"Adrien... I don't know what to believe anymore. Everything's going wrong... I wouldn't be surprised if it was true."

He softly cupped her face and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Marinette, everything might be upside down and going in directions we don't want it to, but I'm always here for you. Always. Remember the day I asked you out?"

Marinette blinked, the memories coming back to her.

"I do Adrien.... I'm just scared of letting another person into my life...."

Adrien's eyebrows scrunched together.


Marinette's voice wobbled when she said, "Because the more people you let in, the easier it could be for them to get out. And it hurts Adrien. It hurts when someone who's a huge part of your life just leaves."

Adrien grabbed Marinette's hands.

"I'd never leave from your life Marinette. You're my everything. I'd never forgive myself if I did. I swear on my life."

He leaned in and kissed her.

"Our first kiss," she breathed.

Adrien nodded, smiling.

"I swore on my life I'd never leave you. And I never plan to. Please Marinette. Trust me."

He leaned in, and when their lips met, Marinette felt like she was 15 all over again.

When they pulled apart, his hand was still cupping her face, and he brushed his thumb across her cheek.

"I love you Marinette. Nothing is going to change that."

She gave a small giggle.

"Not even when I'm old and ugly and wrinkly?"

"Nope," he said. "You're never getting rid of me. And in your defense, I don't think you'd ever be ugly."

Before Marinette could reply, a chorus of 'Awwww' came from behind them. They turned and found Alya, Nino, Tom, Sabine, Nathaniel, Alix, Rose, Jukela, Max, Kim, Marc, Ivan and Mylene.

"People," grumbled Adrien. "Coming at the wrong moment."

Marinette was blushing furiously and hid her face in her hands.

"How long have you guys been here?" she managed to ask.

"Well," started Alya. "Your parents were here since the beginning, me and Nino came a few seconds after, and the rest just came when Adrien was telling his undying love for you."

Marinette groaned.

"Why are you all here?' asked Adrien.

"Well the wedding was going nuts.... so we got all the hands that we could find to help!"

Tom and Sabine were still looking at Marinette and Adrien's hands together and Marinette pulled them apart.

"Let's go save that wedding!"

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