Chapter 16

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Marinette slid down her wall, her head in her knees, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"He- how- when-"

"Marinette, relax. I'm sure Adrien has a good explanation for this."

"Not you too! Relax, relax, relax! That's all people say to me! I'm tired of relaxing!"

The little kwami flew to her owner and slowly patted her head. "Marinette, everything will make more sense if you stop and think..."

"Will it?" she snapped back. "Adrien likes me because I'm Ladybug. Not because I'm Marinette! He's known for over 2 years! What I don't understand is how...."

Tikki moved a piece of raven hair of her forehead and sat on her shoulder. "Marinette.... Let him explain. Please."

Some plea and desperation must've clung onto Tikki's words, because Marinette stood up and shakily nodded.

"O-Okay Tikki. But only because you know what's best."

"Yes I do Marinette," she murmured, "I do."

"Sabine! Tom! I-I need your help!"

Both of the parents looked at Adrien, worried.

"What's going on son?"

"I-I- uh-"

Sabine gave a soft smile. "You figured out Marinette is Ladybug and you're freaking out?"

Adrien's eyes widened. "How did you know she was- actually never mind. Yes I know she's Ladybug, in fact I've known for the last two years. I accidently let it slip when I-"

"When you and Marinette were having the argument? Yes dear, we heard."

"Y-You're not mad?"

"Of course not." Sabine placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder. "In fact, I think you're perfect. Because we all know Chat Noir is the best for Ladybug."

"Y-You know?"

"Ah, that's where the funny part comes in." Tom chuckled to himself before continuing. "We were going to make camembert breadsticks, but when we opened the fridge, all the camembert was finished! I followed all the cheese trails and found a certain little cat eating all the cheese. Plagg, would you like to come out?"

The kwami of destruction flew around the room twice before landing on Adrien's shoulder.

"Yeah well," Plagg started before Adrien could say anything. "Kid you know, they had camembert. And which kwami was going to reject cheese?"

"Oh man," groaned Adrien. "So I'm guessing he explained- um- stuff?"

"It did take a while," admitted Tom. "But we bribed him with more cheese and he spilled everything."

"Everything? Even-"

"-when you were going to date Marinette as Chat? Yes, everything."

Adrien ran his hand through his hair, then scowled at his kwami. Plagg just shrugged and disappeared out of sight.

"Son, you might want to make it up to Marinette. Tomorrow's your wedding."

Adrien nodded, then asked the question he was dreading. "Aren't you mad that I'm Chat?"

Tom smiled. "I was at first.... Because you broke Marinette's heart then stole it again.... But then me and Sabine talked and found it hilarious that you were in a love square. Of course, that instantly cheered me up. You guys belong together."

Adrien found himself grinning. "Thank you."

"It's the truth son. Now go cheer up my daughter!"

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