Chapter 18

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"Ooh Marinette! You look so pretty!"

"Thanks Tikki! I love this dress, I wonder who gave it..."

Marinette spun around, and that was right when Alya came up.

"Marinette it's time to- hmph!"

The bluebell eyes widened as she stopped spinning. "You good?"

"You know," said Alya, while removing the white fabric from her face. "You might want to stay in place. The dress might rip then a new catastrophe will start. It's not like we don't have enough problems anyways."

"Sorry! Anyways, why are you up here?"

"Your mom said it's time to leave." The brunette straightened her own dress before heading back down.

"Squee! Tikki! I'm getting married to Adrien- No Chat, today!"

The kwami giggled and zoomed around her room. "Let's go down!"

As both of them were about to reach the end of the stairs, Marinette tripped and fell right into a plant.

"Sweetie! Are you ok?"

"Fine mum...." Marinette stood up and Alya gasped, pointing a shaking hand towards the dress. The whole front had brown splattered all over.


"It's fine! Alya, can you go get the bleach? We can do this in 30 minutes, the dress is white anyways! And Tom, please call Gabriel to inform him of the situation and tell him we'll be half an hour late. Chop chop!"

"Yes dear! Gabriel said that it's fine, take as long as you need to fix the dress. He also said to let Marinette only touch it."

Sabine frowned. "Okay..."

30 minutes later, they were in the car, Marinette's dress as good as new.

"Maman! We're here!"

They stepped out and spotted Adrien and Gabriel talking to the priest.

"Marinette!" yelled Adrien, beaming. "You look amazing!"

She blushed and took his hand. "You look pretty fine too..."

He gave her a kiss on the forehead, earning a scowl from his father. "Adrien, you can't kiss the bride on the wedding day until you say your vows."

Adrien just shrugged and stole another kiss.

"Hopeless," mumbled Gabriel. "Anyways, do you like the dress Madame Dupain-Cheng?"

"Yes!" beamed Marinette. "It's perfect. Did you give it?"

"Indeed. That's the least I can do for my future daughter-in-law." He pulled down his glasses and whispered in her ear, "And the next possible manager for my company."

Marinete spluttered and Gabriel walked away, a grin on his face.

"Did he say anything offending? I can go talk to him if-"

"No! It's nothing."

Adrien looked unconvinced, but the guests started arriving and they had to go inside.

"Let's go m'lady."

"-these two persons present come now be joined. If any man or woman can show why they may not lawfully be joined together, let them now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold their peace."

Marinette held her breath. Twelve seconds passed and not one person had talked.

"Ok. Now that no one has-"


Everyone turned their heads to find Chloe and Lila coming down the aisle, completely underdressed for a wedding.

"Yes ma'am?" asked the priest.

"I said I object!" snapped Chloe. "Adrikins, how could you do this to me! I'm your oldest friend, the love of your life, the-"

"Oh shut your mouth Chloe! Adrien likes me better!"

"Pfft.. as if Lila! Tell her Adrikins!"

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, and gave a hopeful glance to Marinette. She just shrugged and had an annoyed look on her face.

"Yes well, do you have any proof why they shouldn't be together?" The priest looked at them expectantly, and Chloe spoke up, saying the thing that no one expected.

"Because he's engaged to me."

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