Continuation (Trigger warning: self harm)

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Diane POV
I was furious, either someone hurt king or he's lying to me and he hurt himself! I asked him the same question 5 times in the exact same tone and I got the same answer with that same happy face. "Who did this to you?!" I asked again. He seemed to answer me with the same face and it made me angry! "It's ok Diane. ^^" he said and I replied "no it's not! someone hurt you! or you don't trust me enough to tell me the truth!" I was on the verge of tears. King seem to realize this when he said "fine.... if I tell you the truth please don't get mad at me...."
I told him "of course I won't! I'm was only mad because you weren't telling me the truth..." he sighed and then told me, some of the most frightening words I could ever hear from him. "I-I cut myself.... w-with c-chastifol...." I hugged him as tight as I could without hurting him, crying and told him, "please never do that again!" He said "I'm sorry Diane...but I can't make that promise.... I can tell you though.... I'll try..." as he said that, he hugged me back I tried to take chastifol away from him but the magical aura around it was too strong.

King POV
Diane kept reaching for chastifol and I don't know why. I think she was trying to prevent me from feeling the wonderful sensation of cutting my arms again, and I wasn't going to let that happen. I kept telling her "don't worry I'll be careful! ^^" she seemed to not trust me anymore. She eventually stopped reaching for it and said "ok fine, but try not to hurt yourself again." "Ok ^^" I replied. As Diane walked out Ban came in and he looked really exhausted and he plopped down on his bed and sighed. He noticed that my sleeves were stained with blood and asked "what happened King?" I responded "nothing important. It's late goodnight." I said while turning my back against the window again. "Goodnight..." he replied and then we both drifted off to sleep.

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