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No ones POV
King woke up and yawned. For today was different from every other day. King went outside and felt the wind flow through his hair. It was cold outside. The Boar Hat was rested near a river and King wanted to try something. He started to pick up the water with his magic but was interrupted by the Serpent Sin of Envy, Diane. "King? What are you doing?" She spoke very confused. "Uhhh......" King couldn't tell Diane the truth. It was too complicated... "Just enjoying the breeze is all" King replied. King just went inside as he couldn't try his plan now because Diane was awake. Damn. Diane follows King inside of the Tavern and starts cleaning the tables. (She's obviously in her small form) King was really tired still and decided to go back to bed. A couple of hours later Ban, the Fox Sin of Greed, rudely woke up King by grabbing him by his hood. "Morning~" Ban smartly remarked. King just sighed and replied "good morning.... please let me down" Ban rudely dropped him after that and said "Sorry I saw you blushing over there and I couldn't help myself." King, embarrassed and flustered, blushed even more. Diane was stern and annoyed when she told Ban "leave him alone Ban" Ban complied as he wasn't in the mood today. King hid his face with chastifol (is that how it's spelt?) and got petted by something. He looked up and it was Diane. "D-Dia-" King spoke but he got interrupted by Diane. "Shhhh.... it's ok." She told him.

My Everything (King x Diane) Story Where stories live. Discover now