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Hey guys!~ Rianbow67 here! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but I have lost interest in this story and will probably end it within two or three more chapters. With that being said, please enjoy.

King POV:
I was ready to have a dance, and surprise Diane with the dress, and I want to make this moment a special one, I only get one chance if I mess this up, it'll be bad. My anxiety was real, my heart racing and breathing heavy.

I tried to steady myself as I got the dress, still in the bag I bought it in. I could feel the heat rising to my face and cheeks as I walked out of my room, that I shared with Ban. Speak of the devil he was passed out drunk before noon, of course he was.

I went off to find Diane anxiously, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, since I was floating I lost my balance and face planted onto the ground. It was Elizabeth that had tapped me and she seemed very concerned.

"Sir King..? Are you alright??" She asked while holding a hand out to help me up.

I slowly got up with the help of her hand and saw her face go pale.

"What??" I questioned confused while she just pointed to her own nose, and was clearly very shocked.

I touched my nose to find out it was bleeding.

"Oh, don't worry Elizabeth, my nose is fine." I reassured her while wiping the blood away with my sleeve.

She just nodded and still looked rather terrified. I sighed a bit and pulled the bag close to me while floating out the door. I wish I could find captain but he was nowhere to be seen.

Diane POV:
I was helping Merlin with a few things, but then I left because I wanted to see King and everyone else again. I waved goodbye to Merlin while walking out and making my way to the tavern. When I walked in King was sleeping on Chastifol as Ban was passed out in the bar. I saw that Elizabeth was looking at the boys with worry so I went up to her.

"What's bothering you Elizabeth?" I questioned, while my presence seemed to have scared her.

"I'm just w-worried because I-I haven't seen Sir M-Meliodas in a while and the o-others arent a-awake yet.." she said, with sincere worry in her voice.

"Well King loves to sleep, Ban is drunk beyond all reason, and Captain is scavenging, but they're all fine, trust me." I reassured her while gently patting her back.

Elizabeth just nodded and continued to clean the tavern, while I went and sat next to King and I gently moved his hair out of his eyes.

He is thousands of years old yet still has a baby face, how adorable.

I put my hand against his cheek gently as he slightly nuzzled against my hand while asleep. I then turn my gaze to a bag next to him, I didn't look inside because I didn't want to snoop.

King POV:
I was slowly pulled out of my dream and woke up to reality. I saw that Captain was back and messing with Elizabeth behind the bar, as Ban was eating some food, and Diane was sitting right next to me, smiling.

I quickly backed up and felt so much heat rise to my face. Diane just giggled and smiled at me.

"Hello King!" She cheered.

"H-Hi Diane." I slowly smiled and got off chastifol very slowly.

"Did you sleep well??" She questioned with a suddenly concerned look.

"Yeah." I quickly replied while shaking a bit because I had a slight nightmare, about my sister Elaine of course.

"If you say so," Diane said with a doubtful face.

I nervously grabbed the bag and slowly handed it to Diane, with my hand shaking so much that She gently took my hand and held it with her own.

"Oh, is this bag for me??" She questioned, while I just nodded.

She opened the bag and her eyes seem to light up when she saw the dress folded inside.

"Oh thank you so much King!" She exclaimed while pulling me in a very tight embrace that seem to make all the oxygen leave my body.

"Oops, sorry," she apologized while letting go and smiling nervously.

"You're alright, I understand your excitement, I'm just glad I didn't get all those extra jobs for no reason." I said while laughing a bit.

"You did.. extra jobs.. for me???" Diane said, while extremely confused because of how 'lazy' I am, I assume. I just nodded while Diane had a very happy smile on her face as she dragged me out the door by the wrist.

I gasp a bit in shock as I feel heat rising to my face.

"D-Diane?!" I exclaim in confusion and surprise.

She just giggles and lifts me up onto chasifol, I make it big enough for us both to sit on and she sits down, setting me down also.

We took a very relaxing ride above the town, just enjoying the view and each other's company.

Hey guys! Rianbow67 here! Sorry for the small update, I've been having such a writers block you wouldn't even know.

My Everything (King x Diane) Story Where stories live. Discover now