"Where is he?!"

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I was woke up by the sun. King and Elizabeth weren't in the Tavern. I was wondering where they went and Captain told me "they went to collect some supplies for the Tavern" after I asked him where they were. Elizabeth walked in with a bunch of food and some cleaning products. "Where's king?" I ask Elizabeth "Oh he was still getting some stuff." She responded. I just sighed and felt guilty for some reason. Was he trying to avoid me? I asked myself silently. King eventually came back, put all of the supplies on a table and sat down next to me.

King POV
Diane started talking to me but I couldn't hear her. Everything was blurry and I just couldn't hear her. Her lips were moving but there was no sound coming out. I just silently nodded to what she was saying, I don't know what I was agreeing to but all of a sudden she hugged me. I hugged her back not really understanding what was going on and everything went black. I woke up on chastifol, and Diane was cuddling up next to me. I blushed and Ban look a bit jealous. "Oh you're awake king, how are you feeling?" Diane asked me. "Ugh..... what happened? My head hurts...." I said "you passed out." Ban said blankly in response. "Oh." "King you look hungry do you want some food?" I would normally say no but I just can't say no to Diane. She looked so adorable and caring when she asked so I agreed.

Diane POV
King must have fainted from being malnourished. I tried to prevent this but I couldn't force him to eat. I tried so hard and I felt like I failed. Luckily for me he decided to eat today and he ate quite a lot. I don't think King realizes how much he means to me. If he died or went missing..... I just don't know what I would do. Ban seemed pretty angry that I was comforting King but he didn't say anything.

I had this weird feeling in my gut. I didn't like the way Diane was being so nice to King. I didn't like King in the way she did. We were good friends, that's all. Besides I have Elaine, but for some reason every time she hugged him or did something nice for him, I started to get this weird feeling in my gut. I felt kind of pissed. I just can't stand seeing King sad like this... he's technically my brother and I want to be there for him but, I just don't know how. I know his secret tho~

King POV
My head still hurt and I felt dizzy. I was also really tired. The last thing I remember is Diane picking me up and carrying me to my room, and Ban making a remark. I blushed and fell asleep in my hammock. I was really surprised and extremely embarrassed that Diane picked me up like that. I felt like a baby >~<

Diane POV
King looked so cute whilst sleeping. I walked out of the room and went outside hoping to go back to normal size soon so that I could fall asleep. I fell asleep and I woke up to King and Ban yelling at each other. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. King was almost in tears! I grew furious. Ban looked really ticked off and I knew I had to stop this immediately. I shrank in size and burst through the door even if it was locked. King ran to me and started sobbing, hiding behind me. "What the hell did you do to him?!" I yelled furious and angry at Ban. He just looked at me kind of scared and frightened. I picked King up bridal style and I started comforting him. I hit Ban once or twice and then went outside with King. I decided that a nice day in town would cheer him up.

My Everything (King x Diane) Story Where stories live. Discover now