Chapter 2

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It was like a feather duvet bursting in the sky. 

I gasped in delight as the snow began to fall magically. Miyu giggled and stuck her tongue out as if she wanted to eat it. Lui simply tipped his head up to the sky and let the flakes fall across his face.

When he looked down again, there were perfect white feathers on his eyelashes and eyebrows. He looked rather like Jack Frost, but intimidating. 

I could here other sounds of happiness from the other passengers. Snow is simply wonderful. Valt had gotten lost many times when we were younger while we were playing with snow. I couldn't blame him, though. 

'Attention passengers!' the driver's voice boomed over the speakers. 'Since the snow that has recently begun falling, we would like if you come aboard in fifteen minutes, as the snow will soon clog up the tracks. Thank you.'

The fifteen minutes passed quickly. We mostly ate and chattered about the upcoming national tournament, how idiotic and funny Valt could be and exchanging our social media. The train's whistle tooted, signaling the train was going to leave soon. 

'We better leave soon,' I said, standing up. Miyu agreed and skipped back to the train, in a happy mood having made two new friends. I looked back, and saw a pair of royal purple eyes trained on me. 'What is it?'

Lui blushed a little, pink dusted slightly on his cheeks as he looked away quickly. 'Nothing. You just having some sakura petals on your white hair is all.'

He gently reached up and touched my hair and brushed the petals into the breeze, floating gently away. I was glad my face was already pink with the cold. 'C'mon, let's go. We need to watch Miyu. Who knows, she could be recording us right now.' 

'She probably is recording us right now.'

We made our way back into the warm and toasty comfort of the train. The lights had been switched on now, the train being much brighter now.

Miyu spotted us immediately and waved us over to a spot in the back, where there was two seats facing opposite another two.

'Did you enjoy your time getting back to the train, you two?' she asked slyly as we sat down opposite her.

I blushed. 'Nothing happened, Miyu.' 

'Alright,' she said, looking disappointed. 

'Hey, Miyu?' Lui asked. Without waiting for her to answer, he continued. 'Look, I know you're a fangirl and stuff but can you please try not to obsess over us. It's actually really annoying and I want to be friends with you.'

'Okay,' Miyu nodded, not looking hurt at all but rather smiling brightly.

I smirked at the Longinus user. 'You want to be friends with somebody?'

'Shut up,' Lui snapped. 'I make friends as well. How do you think I'm friends with Gabe? I'm human, not some monster.'

'Geez, I was just joking,' I laughed. 'No need to be so touchy.'

Lui glared at me and opened his mouth to say something, but Miyu beat him to it. 'Let's play a get to know me game? Even though you two are part of the Supreme 4, I don't think you know each other very well considering your rivalry. This game is called "Secret Circle". We go around in a circle, and each time we reveal a secret about ourselves. How does that sound?'

'I'm in,' I replied. I did want to get to know Miyu and Lui more. Especially Lui, from what I had heard, he had a tough childhood where his parents abused him and that was where he got his cold attitude, but that was just rumors. I didn't actually know a lot about Lui, even though we had battle on the stage many times. 

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