Chapter 5

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It had been no longer than two seconds when a white flash blinded Lui and I. Then an eruption of giggles could be heard, followed by a pained groan and some throaty coughs. When the white light faded back into the night, it revealed a murky-eyed fangirl holding her phone out while wheezing.

Of course.

I should have known that even though unconscious and injured, Miyu's shipping alert was still on high senses. I quickly detached myself from a flushed Lui and felt a similar hue of rose cover my cheeks as I rolled onto the makeshift bed. How long has she been awake? 

'M-Miyu!' I glared at her, but it was hard to be angry with someone who is injured. Her coughs subsided, though she still had a mischievous glint in her eye.  

'What?' she asked, batting her eyelashes innocently. 'I swear I covered my ears when Lui started talking about his childhood, cause it sounded personal, even though it would make a great story. I have some decency, you know. But Lui sounded so soft when he said "thank you"! And that hug...'

'That was a private moment between us,' Lui chided, the tips his ears glowing red. 'And it was a friendly hug, so don't start shipping us like some crazy fangirl. We already have enough of those.'

At that Miyu's ears perked up. 'Really? Their names?'

'Don't be friends with them,' Lui rolled his eyes as he sat up. 'Yanderes. Want Shu and I for themselves. They hate Ayumi. Plastic bitches. Their names are Lea and Leila.'

'I knew it.'


Lui and I looked at the injured girl, propped up against the tram seats. A deadly but calm look replaced the mischievous one in her eyes as she gazed out to the moon. When she spoke, her voice was stuffed with venom, yet so under her control. 'They hate me. We go to school together, but we're in different grades. Yet they still hate me. We're both fangirls, yes. But they are obsessive, and they labeled me as obsessive when I ship people. The only reason they do that is because they don't like you being shipped with anyone else beside themselves. They made my life a nightmare and took everyone away from me. Even that isn't enough. They somehow always manage to find me, though. I hate them. They can and will burn in hell.'

Silence began ringing as I let that sink in. Anger burned inside me more for hurting Miyu. If they were here right now...

'Let's go to sleep,' yawned Miyu, shuffling down into her jacket. 'I'm tired.'

Soft snoring soon filled the silent room as Miyu faded back into her sleep as quickly as she had come. I laid back down on the collapsed tram seats, my eyes still on the Shirasagijo. 'That seems like a good idea.'

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt myself slipping into the darkness.


Birds tweeted softly, following by fluttering of wings at they flew from tree to tree. A stabbing pain returned to my knee and I winced in pain, but I was used to it already. I sat up and blearily wiped the sleep from my eyes as the golden tips of the sun began to shine through the window, just the beginning of dawn. Pink, blue and yellow streaked the morning sky, the silhouette of the birds black and dull against it. The scent of flowers and freshly fallen snow wafted up the nostrils, seeping in the cracks in the window along with a chilly, but not freezing, winter breeze. If I was in Tokyo, I would be making myself hot chocolate and sitting on the my parent's couch, reading some manga or a novel. 

But I wasn't.

Instead, I was high up in one of the tallest mountains in Japan which also housed the site of the memorable battle. Which was famous for the amount of bombs planted. They were planted in case of a mission retreat, which was then to set off the bombs and kill the enemies, but kill themselves in the process. But the enemies prevailed and having no knowledge of the bombs, didn't clear them away. Eventually they were found, but then they were deemed safe as they were deep underground. The excavation of the site probably dug them up close to the surface.

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