Chapter 7

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This time it wasn't Haruto interrupting a moment again. Something hard had hit the roof. Lui and I stared wide-eyed at each other, confused of what was happening. Then I noticed it. The train's position was matching up to the view from the windows. I felt my whole body begin to slide down. 

We were going to fall. 

'Wake up, everyone, wake up!' I shouted frantically, running around the place to shake everyone awake. Lui started unlocking the entrance quickly while waking Tanaka-san. This time, when we fell, there would be nothing to catch us. It was a sudden and steep drop that ended at the bottom. Panic coursed through my body, and the adrenaline began rushing. The alarms blared again, scarlet light bathing the train, giving it a bloody and dangerous look. Dirt and earth matter began flying up in the air. Haruto, Sam and Tanaka-san were already up, waking up others in the main compartment. 


I bolted to the back compartment, where Ayumi and Miyu were peacefully sleeping on a pile of seats. I began shaking them gently with each hand, praying that they would wake up quick. The train was tilting downwards fast. 'Hurry, wake up!'

They groaned and their eyelids fluttered, but once they were aware of the loud noises, alarms and the tilting, they were on their feet. I scanned the room quickly, making sure nothing and no one was left behind, before grabbing Lui and I's bag that contained our beys. People were already jumping out of the exit, the door too far up to be walked out on.

I could already see the drop from some of the windows, and it didn't look inviting. The train was almost vertical now. Sweat began to bead my forehead as fear began taking control of me. My heart slammed against my chest repeatedly, and my mouth felt dry. I swallowed and jumped out onto the dirt that had been freshly dug up. 

Lui, Tanaka-san, Haruto, Sam, Annie, Leila and Ayumi were already waiting for us, each one of their faces pale and sweaty. I tried to wipe some of my sweat off onto my jumper that had been creased and dirty, but the sweat remained. A commotion began ringing through the air, louder than all of the sirens and scraping of the train falling. 

'Lea, just jump!' I recognized Miyu's voice. My eyes glanced to the exit, where Lea was grabbing onto to the sides of the sliding door tightly, Miyu's orange hair just peeking out from behind her. Fear began to rattle me even more. They didn't have much time. If they continued like this, both of them would end up splattered on the foot of the mountain, dead. 'Don't be scared!'

'I have the right to be scared when I'm about to die!' wailed Lea, her gaze shifting uncertainly onto where I landed before. Miyu wiped the sweat off her brow, fed up with Lea. 'I'm going to die!'

'You're both going to die if you don't jump right this second!' I yelled, grasping onto Lui's wrist tightly. The blood pumped in my head, ringing loudly. The sun began to rise, casting shadows across us and giving us an even clearer of the drop. I felt so scared. So scared for them both.

'Whatever you say, Shu-kun!' she giggled, twirling her hair. I rolled my eyes. Even in the face of death, she still flirts childishly. But as she looked down at the ground that was increasingly getting lower and lower, she was racked with fear, her eyes widening. The train was tilting, almost perfectly vertical. She needed to hurry. 

A scraping noise filled the area as the train's underside turned towards us. It was all in slow motion, this part. My heart raced and I let go of Lui, running towards the train. Lea still wouldn't let go. I saw two tiny hands, peeking out of a puffer jacket push her back. Lea landed on the ground with a yelp, her ankle was undoubtedly sprained. But Miyu had it worst. 

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