Chapter 3

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A/N They're not going to die, don't worry. I once read a fanfic were the main character died in the first chapter, and the book wasn't that entertaining.

The loud noises continued to come. Red flashed out of the train's lights as it tilted horizontally, the train evidently lopsided. A beeping alarm sounded throughout the whole of the train. I had no clue what was going on. Pieces of dirt, snow, grass and other earth matter was hitting the window. Trees had been uprooted and smashed the side of the train. The only thing I could see was the obvious nasty fire and smoke. 

I cursed when I realized we were on a mountain. No sooner than I had realized that, the train started falling, tumbling down the snowy peak of one of the highest mountains in Japan. I felt my body flailing, being pulled downwards. A pair of strong arms held me in their sturdy grasp as my head collided with the owner's chest. If this situation was under different circumstances, I'm pretty sure my face would have been a dark pink by now. 

The train continued to fall, going upside down as rolled downhill. Passengers were falling everywhere, banging their heads on seats and the ceiling. Lui kept me in his grip though, and refused the let me go. I could hear Miyu's panicked shrieks, Lui's grunting and Ayumi muttering, 'Finally I can die.'

I chose to ignore her comment. We're not going to die, right?

My left knee collided with the side of a seat, and I felt the faint sensation of blood trickling down my leg. Numbness clouded my entire left leg, along with the beginning of excruciating pain and my head began to spin dizzily. My vision was a blur. Panic and fear seized my body. What if we actually were going to die? From what I could see, my other companions were bleeding as well. If we didn't have anything to patch the bleeding up...things could get even more ugly.

The train continued to thud down the mountain, each hit sending painful vibrations through my body. The pain started to rise on my left leg, to the point where I knew I needed dire emergency medical treatment. The fear continued to torment me at the possibility of dying. I didn't even get to say goodbye to the Bey Club, to Xander, to Valt. How could my parents possibly deal with the thought of not only Grandma dying, but their son as well?  


The train stopped with an almighty crash. My back landed heavily on the floor, and pain resonated throughout my entire body now. Although the train had stopped, my left leg continued to quiver with pain. Nonetheless, I forced myself to get up with a pain-filled grunt. I observed the scene, wincing. The train seemed to be upright now, but it was heavily damaged. Several windows had been cracked, poles had fallen down and seats askew. But that wasn't the worst of it. 

Clearly, I had gotten off lucky. Many passengers were worse then me. Loud coughs ringing loudly, choking up blood and saliva, was no doubt coming from the elderly man. I checked on my companions. I went to the nearest body strewn on the floor, Ayumi's. After a gentle touch, she groaned and grimaced, but stood up fine. Bruises splattered her body and red, angry swollen lumps were beginning to rise, but luckily no blood had been spilled. 

I couldn't say the same for Lui and Miyu, though.

Both were laying still, Miyu near a fire extinguisher and Lui slumped against the side of a chair. After some calling and prodding, they still didn't rise up. Fear immediately began seeping back into my body, choking me and what tiny hope I had left. 

Were they...dead?

'They're not dead, Shu,' Ayumi told me, her voice hoarse with pain. She checked their pulses. 'Their heart is still beating.'

I nodded, and relief filled me when I checked their pulses my self. Ayumi and I hoisted Miyu up onto one of the seats. A pained cry escaped her lips when we set her down, and that's when I saw a dark liquid oozing out from one of her arms, staining her jacket darkly. It must've been from the sharp bits of the fire extinguisher we found next to her. Ayumi started taking care of Miyu, signaling me to check on Lui. 

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