Chapter 6

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'Okay,' I shrugged after hearing the train driver's words. 

I didn't know about Lui but I was fine going out by myself. I practically lived by myself so I didn't mind isolation. I doubt Lui is a happy family type of person. And besides, I want to get to know him. The real him, the person behind the cold exterior that his manager had made. The real person. 

I had seen glimpse of that person occasionally, when he brushed the petals off my head, last night, and when he beckoned me to sit with him. But I wanted to know that person. I wanted to know who he really was. His background was so exciting, so fascinating yet so 

I glanced at the Longinus trainer next to me, who nodded in agreement. Tanaka-san smiled and clasped his hands together. 

'I knew I could count on you two,' he said, walking towards a set of train doors. Using a golden key edged with rust, he opened them as they could not be opened electronically. A brief chill swept in to the train, earning loud complaints from Lea and Leila. 'Be back in no more than half an hour.'

We both nodded and stepped of the train, leaving what little warmth in this winter behind. I heard the click of the doors locking behind us, and then we were off. We wandered through the small, barren trees that were no taller than us, making sure that we left a trail of sticks behind. Gusty winds continued to whirl around us, whipping our hairs into a frenzy. I watched in amusement as Lui scowled at his blue locks falling into his eyes. I received a playful glare for that. 

We walked in silence. All that could be heard was the howl of the wind and the occasional patter of an animal. But we wouldn't be so heartless to kill one for our own survival, especially since none of us brought weapons that could make their death quick. The silence wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, rather content. I enjoyed the change from Valt's loud noise.

I wondered what him and the rest of the Bey Club were doing now. Surely they would have heard about the train crash. Would they? Would it be all over the news, or would this be kept quiet in an attempt to hush up the leftover bombs that the excavation team missed to pick up. Perhaps there were more bombs up there, waiting to be triggered. 

Tomorrow we would be expected to be picked up by a helicopter. I gazed across the surroundings and realized just how cold it was. I shivered into my jumper. The sky looked bleak and grey, not a winter grey but an unearthly, dark grey. The kind Batman wears. The wind began to pick up even more frequently. There was definitely going to be a blizzard and a storm tonight.

As we continued walking, it was obvious that we weren't going to collect much food. The trees and bushes had been stripped of it's fruit, leaving only bare, thin branches that swayed in the wind. Some hail from last night was littered on the ground, just visible against the thick snow that sunk when you stepped on it. At least we would have some water. 

We reached a clearing with a few rocks when Lui spoke. 'We should head back soon. It's nearly been eighteen minutes, and we need to be back before thirty.'

'Yeah,' I agreed. 'But let's take a break first. It'll only take a minute.'

Lui hummed in response and began to clear away the snow on the boulders, providing us two seats. We both sat and watched the weather for a moment in silence. 'Lui. About what you told me last night-'

'If you think there's something in me besides my exterior, you're wrong,' he cut me off. 'I am a cold monster, through and through. I used to be happy, but my manager forced me to act like something else, and over the years my old self just...disappeared. Faded away. Partly because of my manager, partly because I had no one left I really truly loved. I'm just a hollow shell, a cold monster.'

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