Chapter 10

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All around me, pitch black drowning me in it. Not a single hint of light could be seen. It was as if the darkness had swallowed me, and I was now in the pit of it's belly.

Where am I? What happened? The last thing I remember was getting a phone call to go on a train. What happened next? Oh right. The painful memories came back to me in flashes. That would explain my dirt and drenched clothes. Wow. So much had happened in a mere three days.

So I'm dead now? 

I scanned the darkness. It would seem so. The only colours I could see were from my clothes. I didn't even seem to be standing on anything. 

'Hello?' I called out loudly. 'Anybody there?'

As if responding to my voice something flickered ahead of me. Pure, sky blue. Flickering like a flame. A whole body soon appeared, one that I knew very well. But the purple eyes that I fell in love with weren't looking at me, not even acknowledging my presence. They were fixated on the ground. 

'Lui,' I cried out, running to him. He didn't glanced up, but rather turned away from me and started walking away. 'Lui!'

I started running to him, but he started fading away, his body disintegrating into the darkness. I crouched down in loneliness, burying my head between my knees as I rocked slightly on my feet. 

'Don't leave me,' I whispered, tears trailing down my face. I felt so alone, so left behind and lost. He seemed to be just an image. Maybe God was punishing me for everything I've done wrong by holding my loved one just above my reach, in a place where I could always see but never touch. A cruel punishment. Wiping my tears off, I stood up, waiting for something to happen. And it did. 

An image of Lui, so vibrant and bright and contrasted to the darkness around him. A star shining in pitch black. His expression seemed so relaxed and neutral compared to the times I've seen him at the beyblade tournament and in the past three days. A small smile tugged at his lips as he extended his hand to me, almost waiting for me to hold hands. I allowed a smile to grace my lips as I reached to accept his hand. 

Before falling.

And falling.

And falling. 

Into a new place where the darkness was melted away by the light. 


The light was all I could concentrate on, much like the darkness before. It seem to shine with the light of a million stars, although it could just be me from spending what seemed like an eternity in darkness. There was no denying that it wasn't bright, however. It pushed back the darkness so effortlessly, and the light was so majestic and bright, but I could still see. For some reason.  

Is this heaven?

I squinted, my eyelashes fluttering, and the light condensed into a single bulb. So...not heaven? A soft sheet seemed to be behind me. I realized I was laying down. Where is this? Am I still alive? I glanced around. It seemed like I was in a room of some sort. The two side walls weren't exactly walls, but two white curtains drawn along. On the right my backpack was propped up on the ground. A neat, white table was to my left where bandages, gauzes and ice were left. Is this a hospital?

I sat up quickly and immediately regretted it. Some tubes stuck to me that I hadn't realized was there popped off. A stinging pain soared through my right arm. Footsteps approached quickly. The curtain was drawn back, revealing two concerned-looking nurses. One was old, looking weary by age. Her grey hair was whipped into a prestigious bun, showing just how precise she is. The other one looked rather young and new, no older than twenty-five. Her grey eyes scanned the room as if she hadn't been in here before, her blonde, low-ponytail swishing. 

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