incorrect quotes pt 12

497 11 33


MC: I hardly slept last night.

Monika: You know, they say when you can't sleep, it means someone is thinking about you.

MC: Who would be thinking about me at three AM?

Sayori: *Panics*


Yuri: Can you offer any other evidence of mental instability on the part of my client?

Monika: What more do I need? She wants to kill herself!


Sayori: Hello stranger with a degree!

Also Sayori: I'm here to tell you why I'm broken!


Natsuki: ...anyway, so, yeah, I'm gonna murder them with banana bread.


Sayori: Everything's going to be fine. It's just a crush.

MC: Hey, Sayori!

Sayori: I love you.

MC: ...What?



Monika: So how are you and Natsuki going?

MC: I think they're finally starting to warm up to me.

MC: *Sees Natsuki in the distance and waves* Hey Natsuki!

Natsuki: *Flips MC off in return*

MC: Yup, we're besties now.


Natsuki: Honestly, I'm ready to fight 24/7. Even in death. Take my ashes and throw them into the eyes of my enemies.


Monika: How did none of you hear what I just said?

Yuri: I've been zoned out for the last two and a half hours.

Sayori: I got distracted about halfway through.

Natsuki: Ignoring you was a conscious decision


Sayori's Mind: Hiiii. It's meee. You! Your mind! *Laughs*

Sayori's Mind: Don't pretend you're sleeping, I know you're awake! I just thought, seeing as you're awake, we might wanna have a small think about some things. Some things you don't have the time to think about during the day. Some concerns. Some worries.

Sayori's Mind: How are you for money? Are you alright? Some mortgage you've got yourself there, eh? You sure you're gonna cope? How long you got left on it, twenty years? A lot can happen in that time. People outta work everywhere. How're you gonna cope? Have you got enough?

Sayori's Mind: "What if", you know what I mean? "What if"?

Sayori's Mind, softly: How're you gonna cope?

Sayori's Mind: Here, forget about that. It's only money. It's only money. As long as you've got your health...

Sayori's Mind: Y'know, speaking of health... not long now. Getting on a bit, eh? Getting old. Not long now. You're practically halfway through it. More than halfway! You chopped the last bit off. I bet it's not worth living.

Sayori's Mind: Have you done enough, d'you think? Done enough with your life? If you got hit by a bus tomorrow, d'you think you've done enough? Are you happy? Huh?

Sayori's Mind: No?

Sayori's Mind: No?

Sayori's Mind: Okay, who cares about the past? You've got it all ahead of you. Years ahead of you! You and MC...

Sayori's Mind: Here, what about MC? Is he happy? Happy with you?

Sayori's Mind: You ever wonder who's gonna die first?

Sayori's Mind: Gonna be some day. You've see what that does to people. Loss. Bereavement. Christ...

Sayori's Mind: Pray you go first. Might be sooner than you think. I just hope you're happy when it comes.

Sayori's Mind: Oh, you've got years ahead. Years to chip away at that mortgage.

Sayori's Mind: Listen, I can see you're trying to get asleep, so I'll let you go. Food for thought, though, eh? Food for thought.

Sayori's Mind: Night night...

*Sayori cries herself to sleep*


Sayori: I'm friendly, I'm loyal, I'm energetic, I... I just described a dog, didn't I?

Monika: Well, yeah, but people love dogs~

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