incorrect quotes (hundred view special) pt 10

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Yuri: I made tea.

Natsuki: I don't want tea.

Yuri: I didn't make tea for you... This is my tea.

Natsuki: Then why are you telling me?

Yuri: It's a conversation starter...

Natsuki: That's a lousy conversation starter.

Yuri: Oh really? We're conversing. Checkmate.


Sayori: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

*Everyone claps besides Sayori*

Everyone: -

MC: You didn't clap.

Sayori: Yeah... I know...


Monika: Rules are meant to be followed. Nothing is meant to be broken

Natsuki: Uh, pinatas?

Sayori: Karate boards!

Yuri: Spaghetti when you have a small pot..

Sayori: Aaaand rules!


Monika: Do you want to know how I actually hurt my wrists?

Natsuki: Yes?

Monika: I was hula-hooping. I attend a class for both fitness and for fun.

Natsuki: Oh my god...

Monika: I mastered all the moves. The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion... The oopsie doodle.

Natsuki: Why are you telling me this?

Monika: Because no one will ever believe you~

Natsuki: You sick son of a bitch..


[Sayori At Walmart]

Monika: Sayori, can you get the bleach?

Sayori: Can do!

Sayori: *Goes to bleach isle and almost grabs normal bleach, but then sees lemon scented bleach*

Sayori: Awe! New flavor! *Grab*

(that's based on this:


Natsuki: You make me so angry so quickly, it's remarkable.

Yuri: I only said three words...

Natsuki: Yet here I am.

Natsuki: Boiling with hate.


Natsuki: Have I ever let you down?

Yuri: Would you like to answer, or shall I just stare?


Yuri: Oh, so suddenly you don't have a death wish!

Monika: I've never had a death wish. It's just that I don't believe that I, personally, can even die~


Monika: Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me~


Sayori: So I can either bake these cookies at 400 degrees for ten minutes or 4,000 degrees for one minute.

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