Rvb S9 E1 "Rounding Error"

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Author: Welp, here's season 9 which so, far is going to be a pain to write. Like I said they'll no freelancer parts, replaced by the reds and blues in the real word.

Also I want to mention this at the start, but I apologise for any future delays because this season is definitely going take longer to write.

But, anyway here's the first chapter of season 9, enjoy!

Epsilon Unit/Blood Gulch
We see Church standing on a hill, looking out into the Canyon.

Church (Voiceover): Hi, my name is Leonard Church. But, nobody calls me Leonard. Most people call me Church sometimes they call me Alpha and a few people even know me as the Director, but I haven't been called that in a really, really long time. You see I know that when you look at me, I know I look like a badass space warrior, but I'm really not. I'm actually a-

Tucker: (Distance) Hey, Church!

Church (Voiceover): Uh... (Clears throat) Just, uh, ignore him. I'm actually a computer program that's been reincarnated in the memory of-

Tucker: (Distance) Church!

Tucker continues yelling in the background as Church tries to continue his monologue.

Church (Voiceover): I'm actually a computer program thats been reincarnated in the memory of the-

Tucker: (Distance) Where the hell are you?!

Church (Voiceover): Ok I'm just gonna start all over..

Tucker: (Distance) Church!

Church (Voiceover): (Clears throat) Hi.

Tucker: (Distance) Church!

Church (Voiceover): My name is Leonard Church.

Tucker: (Distance) Church!

Church (Voiceover): But, nobody calls me-

In the distance, Tucker is seen standing atop of a cliff on the side of the Canyon.

Tucker: Hey Church, come on!

Church: (Groans) God damn it! What?! What do you want!?

Tucker: Come on! Get up here!

Church: Yeah, okay, hold on. For God's sakes, I'm coming! Shut up!

Church starts making his way to the cliff, while angrily whispering to himself.

Church: *Whispers* God damn it, I can't even have one fucking moment to myself. Can't even be alone with my thoughts, not even for a second. Somebody's always gotta fucking yell, or scream, or "come look at this," or "what's going on over here," or "hey Church, help me out I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!" Fucking assholes. God I forgot how much this place sucks.

Up on the cliff Tucker, Wade, Caboose and Zeta are waiting for Church.

Zeta: Looks like he's finally coming.

Tucker: *Smirks* That's what she said.

Zeta: I won't hesitate to shoot your crotch, Tucker.

Tucker: (Scared) Shutting up, now!

Caboose: Now when he gets up here, remember the plan.

Tucker: Plan? What plan?

Caboose: We only have one shot at this. Don't let it fall apart.

Red vs Blue Season 9: Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now