Rvb S9 E10 "The Plan"

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In the middle of nowhere...
The reds and blues are seen driving on a dirt road, through a worn out grass land. They've been driving for around eleven hours, now. The trip would of been shorter, if Caboose could have held it in.

Anyway the reds are in one warthog, while the blues are in another warthog. Leo and Wade are driving on a mongoose and Carolina is driving on a mongoose herself.

Over to the blues warthog, Caboose is riding turret, Tucker is in passenger and Wash is behind the wheel.

Caboose: Are we there yet?

Tucker: No.

Caboose: Are we there yet?

Tucker: (Growls) No.

Caboose: ...Are we-

Tucker turns around and looks at, Caboose in the turret.

Tucker: I swear to god, if you ask me one more time, Caboose. I will throw you out of this car!

The two just have silent stare down.

Caboose: ....

Tucker: Good.

Caboose: Can I use the bathroom-

Tucker: Goddammit!

Wash: (Sighs) Caboose, just try and hold it in. We're going to be there shortly.

Tucker: Dude, we could of been there now. If "someone" learned how to hold their path piss in!

Carolina drives up, beside their warthog.

Carolina: Can you idiots learn to shut up? Or do I have to make you shut up, myself?

Tucker: Uhh, nope will just be quiet, now.

Caboose: Yeah...

Carolina drives up in front.

Tucker: How the fuck does Leo deal with her?

Wash: No clue, honestly. You'd have to ask him your self.

Over towards the reds warthog, Simmons is riding turret, Sarge is in passenger and Grif is driving.

Grif: Hey Simmons! Have you seen it yet?

Simmons: (Sighs) No.

Grif: Dammit, it's got to be out here somewhere!

Sarge: What the hell are you two numb nuts, talking about?

Grif: Uh, the most ridiculous street to ever come across.

Leo drives up, beside Grif with Wade riding on the back.

Leo: Are you two seriously, still trying to search for that?

Simmons: Of course we are!

Wade: Wait, what are they looking for?

Leo: There searching for that street called Bonner Street.

Wade: Really?

Grif: Will find it! I can almost smell it near by.

Leo: Where in the middle of nowhere!

Wade: Does this "Bonner Street" even exist?

Simmons: Of course it's real and it's just out there... somewhere!

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