Rvb S9 E18 "Whole Lot of Shaking"

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Epsilon Unit/Red Base
Outside of Red Base, Simmons, Leo, Sarge, Donut are all crowding around Andy. Grif is pacing back and forth behind Donut, Leo and Simmons in panic.

Andy: 30, 29, 28...

Donut: Ah! We're all gonna die!

Grif stops pacing.

Grif: More importantly, I'm going to die! That's the worst part!

Grif resumes his pacing.

Leo: Maybe, if we start running we can escape the blast zone!?

Sarge: Men, remain calm. This is no time to panic.

Andy: 25, 24. . .

Simmons: Sir, the world is shaking apart, the ground is opening up to swallow us and we're holding a bomb that will blow us all up before any of that happens. I submit to you that if there is any time to panic, this is that time!

Andy: 20, 19, 18. . .

Sarge: You're right, Simmons!

Grif: I guess this is it everyone!

Simmons: Does anyone have anything they wanna say?

Donut: I do! Whoa, gosh, this is such an honor! I have so many people to thank. All the little people-

Simmons: Donut! This is not the time for your pre-rehearsed academy award speech!

Donut: Well, if I don't use it now, when am I going to?

Andy: 10, 9, 8. . .

Sarge: Men, it's been an honor to serve with you, and I say that using the loosest possible definition of both the words honor and serve.

Andy: 6, 5. . .

Leo: Well... if we're really gonna die, I guess there's no-one I rather die with then you guys.

Grif stops pacing for a moment, speaks, then resumes his pacing again.

Grif: My only regret is that I don't have more regrets!

Andy: 4, 3. . .

Simmons: Well, if I'm gonna die, then I may as well be honest; I never respected any of you, besides Leo really. I thought I was better than all of you this entire time, I think my skills were under appreciated and I wasted my life knowing all of you. In a way, I'm sad to die but I'm glad knowing none of you will live either and that Leo here was someone I could actually call a friend. There, I said it.

Everyone braces for the explosion, leading to their deaths...

Andy: 1, kaboom! ....Uh, wait, uh, ka- ugh, damn it! Ergh! Ergh! Kaboom! Uh, huh.

...only for nothing to happen. The Earth begins shaking, but then quickly stops.

Leo: It... was a dud?

Andy: I-I swear that's never happened before.

Sarge: So, did you want to finish your thought there, Simmons?

Simmons looks at Sarge, while Grif and Donut look at Simmons.

Simmons: Well, this is awkward.

Andy: Yeah, tell me about it.

Leo pats Simmons on the shoulder.

Leo: As your friend, I would help you... but I think this is something you need to learn to fix on your own.

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