Rvb S9 E6 "Familiar Feelings"

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Epsilon Unit/Blue Base
To Church and Caboose standing on top of Blue base with Zeta near by looking out to the Canyon.

Church: Okay, Caboose, think back. When you called Command about the special forces person, what did they say to you?

Caboose: They said, "This is Command. We read you Blue base."

Church: After that.

Caboose: "Roger. Over and out."

Church: Before that. Somewhere between those two. "Goodbye" and "Hello" are not the important parts of the conversation.

Caboose: No I know, and my name isn't even Roger...although that is a very cool nickname. I wonder if it fits? Roger shut up. Roger don't put that in your mouth. Roger put that down. Roger will you please be my best friend. Signed, Church. P.S. Your new name is the best. I like it. Signed, Church...again.

Church: (Getting aggrivated) What did they tell you in the middle? What did they say? I need you to focus, Caboose.

Caboose quietly stands still.

Church: (Groans) Ugh... (Looks at Zeta) Zeta can you actually be useful and help me here!

Zeta: What do you want me to do!?

Church: I don't know! Can you try and speak his language?

Zeta: Pretty sure that's english, Church.

Church: You know what mean!

Zeta walks over to them and stands besides Church.

Zeta: Now.. (Gentle tone) Roger, what did Command say to you?

Caboose: (Lively again) Okay, they said-

Church: Are you fucking kidding me!?

Caboose: -that since one of our troops was hurt, and since we're outnumbered, they would send us a special agent to help us recover.

Zeta: Thank you, Caboose. See Church, that wasn't that difficult.

Church: Yeah, whatever alright. Caboose, What did they say the agent would be here....

Caboose: Yes.

Church: No, no, not yes. When?

Caboose: When I was on the call with them.

Church: I mean the special agent.

Caboose: No, no see the operator said that.

Church: (Becoming frustrated) When!?

Caboose: When I called Command. How else would they tell me?

Church: Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop...

Zeta: Why don't you try going through it step by step for him.

Church: Yeah, good idea. Ok Caboose... You called Command.

Caboose: Yes

Church: And they said they were sending a special agent.

Caboose: Yes

Church: To our base.

Caboose: Yes

Church: When did they say the special agent was coming?

Caboose: Oh, right before they gave me my new nickname.

Church: (Furious) God damn it, Caboose! Alright just forget it!

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