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I'm sitting on the bleachers between Abby and Lucy, Nick on the other side of Abby and Simon beside Nick. We begin talking about The 1975 and Nick and Simon are immediately huddled together talking about something else. The new album comes out in a week or two, so we're going to buy it on the day it comes out so we can discuss it. We could set up a fanclub.

Bram Greenfeld comes over to us and sits beside Simon. He's playing the game and he only wanted to see us before he went onto the field. He's also been hanging out with us a lot lately.

Before he leaves, I notice he gives Simon a small kiss. I start smiling like an idiot. Simon looks back at the four of us smiling up at him. His cheeks go red.

"What?", he says

"Siiiiiiimon.", Abby says slowly.

Simon sighs.

"OK fine. Guys, I'm gay and Bram is my boyfriend.", he says, looking down.

We huddle around him and we hug him. I'm not a huggy person but I know that its what you need after coming out. Now I knew why he was so quiet when everyone would talk about dating. Now I feel even shittier that I haven't told him. It would've been perfect. If he told me privately, I would've just spat it out. I can't say it now though. I wish I was as brave as Si.

He smiles at us.

"Thanks, guys.", he says.

"We love you, Si.", I say at him, smiling.

We sit back and resume our conversations.

• • • • • •

"Rise for the National Anthem!"

We all stand up and put our hands on our chest.

Just as the band prepared to play, someone ran up to Mr Wise. A cheerleader. None other than Miss Morgan The Bitch.

"Wait, guys! Just a quick announcement! We all know Leah Burke, don't we?"

I freeze.

"Yeah, we all know her. How can we not? Incredibly bitchy, but still maintains a friend group somehow. She's also in a band with me. Oh, Leah's friends, did she tell you that?"

Fuck you, you psychotic bitch.

"She also likes the shittiest band of our times, The 1975. Yup, she likes those bastards."

OK, kick me out, do whatever you want, but if you fucking out me and talk shit about The 1975, you're dead.

"But guess what, everyone? She's no longer in my band. How sad. So, if anyone wants to replace Burke as our drummer, call me. And also, one more thing."

You are not.

"She also has a secret female penpal. Why? Because she's bi. Anyone interested in a threesome may contact her some way or another."

I hate everything. I hate myself.

"Well, c'mon then, Leah. Come up here and introduce yourself."

The whole school's laughing. What the fuck is so funny about my whole world crumbling?!

"C'mon, ya little whore!"

I begin running down the bleachers and I run out of the field gates.

"Leah...", I hear Abby behind me.

But I'm already gone. I don't care about the game or geeking out about The 1975 with sweet cute Irish Lucy Murphy. Who may or not be my sweet cute Irish girlfriend.

I jump in the car and I drive off, just as Simon, Abby, Nick and Lucy arrive outside the gates.

Sincerely, Leah Where stories live. Discover now