Pain Attack.

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Azalya came in my room one day when I was screaming.

Screaming in pain.

I do that sometimes.

This world has so much hidden pain, 

That only we can see. But her pain only shows when she's drinking the tears, because she allows her brown eyes to show.

She went up to me as I was crying...And she hugged me.

She'll never feel as fondly about me as I feel about her, but that doesn't change the fact that she knows pain, more than anything. It's the one thing about me she actually understands.

"'s fine. It'll pass." She promised, but the tears just fell, as big as gumdrops. If I just didnt worry so much about changing, I could let the world see who I truly was.

"Sandra, it'll be okay...I promise. Pain only lasts as long as you let it."

I tried to smile, because I knew that was true, but my pain was so more extreme than the normal person's...I had the wiseness of a true brown eyed person, but yet the weakness of a left handed person, and had no power to stop it, because I refused to.

There comes a time in life, when all there's left to do, is say, "Forget it." And move on. This gives you temporary power.


Oh, how I long for it. It's all I can think of. And the worst part is that I HAVE IT, I just....I can't let it show...I become a monster...

 "Parents can't control you!!!" I shouted from the top of my lungs.


Her head shook as well. "She's having a pain attack....or should I say, insanity attack." She did, however, pat my back.

"Sandra, parents have to control you....Yeah, it sucks, but, what can we do? We'll be out of the house soon enough..."

"BUT YOU DON'T GET IT!" I cried, screaming again. "We let them control our LIVES. What ever happened to being ourselves? They're not our drill sargeants....Azalya I see everything so much more clear when I'm in pain....My eyes are brown, aren't they? Are my eyes brown?!"


"ARE THEY BROWN?!" I screamed, in tears.

She sighed. "No, Sandra. They're not."

I looked down. "Oh."

She shook her head yet again.

"I'm not letting my mom control me anymore." I promised. "And you should do the same. All you have to do is flash your brown eyes at her."

I knew she wouldn't, though. And neither would I. We just have simply too much integrity for that.

"I learned something." I whispered. "No matter how sick we are, even if we are almost dead, we will do what we love. We will."

Azalya, for once, nodded.

"You're pretty messed up right now...I better go drink the tears."

I looked up at her with my pleading "blue" eyes, about to beg her not to, because I care MUCH more about her than I do me, but the pain and depression pulled me back, and I couldn't do anything but cry.

"T....Thank you." I whispered. 

She nodded,

And was gone.

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