[PURPLE] XII / Everything Is Better When I'm With You

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WARNINGS: Sexual references; strong language

-Day 32; Tuesday, July 11th, 2017-

galaxykris🌟: I'm bored come over + do smth with me

luluhanxi7: can't

luluhanxi7: in China

galaxykris🌟: swim

doritao: luhan doesn't know how to swim r u kiddin me

luluhanxi7: um excuse me I do

doritao: never seen u do it tho 🤔🤔

galaxykris🌟: welcome to buzzfeed unsolved

luluhanxi7: welcome to your tape

galaxykris🌟: HOLLUP I WAS KIDDIN

luluhanxi7: 🖕🏽🖕🏽

galaxykris🌟: okay but I'm bored and as my friends you all need to entertain me
luluhanxi7: y don't you go suck Junmyeon's dicc or smth
doritao: he's looking for smth he hasn't done today LuLu smh
galaxykris🌟: he's @ work anyways so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
luluhanxi7: the struggle
doritao: poor muffin
luluhanxi7: look up things to do when you're bored or smth
galaxykris🌟: Junmyeon and I keep this place practically spotless I've done all the spontaneous cleaning and packing and reorganizing I can
galaxykris🌟: we don't need any groceries or anything and myeon says if I buy something out of pure boredom again he'll push me out the window
luluhanxi7: he's been threatening that for like a month now
galaxykris🌟: I know but he will he deadass will he's come close to a few times already
galaxykris🌟: I grabbed his ass and he almost did
luluhanxi7: okay but was it worth it
galaxykris🌟: yes very
galaxykris🌟: he has a really nice ass just as nice as his eyes
doritao: please turn the raging homosexuality off it's disrupting my peaceful asexuality

Kris Wu tossed his phone aside, his legs dangling over the side of the sofa and his head resting on the armrest of the other. He allowed his left arm to hang, brushing the floor.

The television played in the background, some show Kris had no interest in. It was a rerun from earlier in the day, anyways.

Ever since Kim Junmyeon started working, away for most of the day, Kris was so incredibly bored and running out of things to do.

On weekends and when Junmyeon wasn't working, it seemed like the exact opposite- he couldn't find the time to do everything he wanted to do.

The days he had left with Junmyeon were becoming shorter, and the time he had left to complete his investigation dwindled, too.

When Kris had found out over a month ago that he didn't have much time left with Junmyeon, he started his investigation, wanting to find out everything he and Junmyeon could possibly do and do it all.

He had dragged Junmyeon to some odd places, like a forest in the middle of the night (they both ended up leaving after they had heard some sort of animal and Kris ran away screaming), sketchy places of town (they both vowed never to go again after someone tried to forcibly tattoo something on Junmyeon), and a small natural pool he had found that had a waterfall spilling into it (they both again left after Junmyeon almost drowned after getting caught underneath the falls).

He still had a list of places he wanted to take him, and Junmyeon had somehow agreed to go out with him again the next day.

Kris didn't understand why Junmyeon kept agreeing to go out places with him when they both kept almost dying wherever they went.

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