[COFFEE] III / Boxer Boy

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WARNINGS: Strong language

-Day 15; June 14th, 2017-

Kim Jongin had nothing but his luggage, phone, earphones, ₩60,000 he had taken from an ATM (plus whatever spare change he had), his wallet (which contained his driver's license, a few cards, and other junk), his keys, and a pack of gum with only three pieces left on him.

Five hundred of his money went to bus fare, riding from the airport to the closest stop near Lee Taemin's apartment. Another forty eight hundred went to a small cupcake shoppe two blocks away, where Jongin had carefully picked out a dozen delicately frosted cupcakes for him and Taemin.

Jongin forgot a lot of things, especially with the adjustment from Taiwan to Korea. He had thanked the bus driver and lady who worked at the cupcake shoppe in Chinese, completely blanking on how to thank someone in his native language. However, the fact that the cupcakes in that specific shoppe were one of Taemin's favourite treats was one thing Jongin would never forget.

With ₩11,500 left in his pocket, Jongin walked the two blocks to Taemin's apartment, balancing the pink box of cupcakes in his arms while trying to drag his luggage behind him.

He wished he had a car to shove his luggage into, not having to go through the trouble of dragging it everywhere. Halfway down the second block he tried to console himself with the fact that once he reached the apartment building, he could put his suitcase on the elevator and forget about it until he pulled it down the short hallway. Then, it'd be much easier by the time he had to leave- he'd be cupcake-less as they'd undoubtedly be devoured by his sugar-crazy boyfriend, and he could throw his suitcase in the back of Taemin's car.

Jongin couldn't help but smile to himself as he entered the apartment building, thinking of how happy Taemin would be to see him (and the cupcakes).

The smile was quickly wiped off his face when he read the 'out of order' sign hastily taped to the elevator doors, knowing he'd have to hike his luggage and the cupcakes up three flights of stairs.

It took him forty minutes of relentless up and down the stairs, first bringing the cupcakes up and placing them on the landing and then noisily hoisting the suitcase up. He repeated this until he reached the third floor, where he resulted back to balancing the cupcake box with one arm and pulling the suitcase with the other.

His heart rate was quicker than normal when he fit his key into the lock of Taemin's apartment not only because of the extra effort it took to take the stairs, but because of how excited he felt finally being able to see his boyfriend again.

Another thing Jongin would never forget is what key lead to Taemin's- perhaps the fact that neon green nail polish was smeared across it, the apartment number written on it in Sharpie helped.

As quietly as he could, Jongin opened the door and stepped inside, softly closing the door behind him and padding across the carpeted floor to round the corner that served as a foyer.

Jongin knew the layout of the apartment like the back of his hand. The left wall moved in, creating a makeshift hallway at the entrance. The right wall quickly melted into kitchen, which curved to make an island bar counter. Beyond that was a living space- the television and a sofa, overlooking a wide window that exhibited the busy city below. To the left of the kitchen was another sofa, a dining table, and Taemin's bedroom and bathroom.

As Jongin rounded the corner, he half expected to see Taemin at the dining table, slaving over a paper or snack or lounging on the second sofa, watching a movie on his laptop or napping.

The sight of his boyfriend shirtless and on top of another man in nothing but his boxers is not what Jongin expected to see.

It was ultimately enough to have his jaw drop in surprise and shock and to cause the box of cupcakes to drop to the floor. The lid flew open, and cupcakes smeared icing along the inside of the box, mixing with one another. One even bounced right out, mixing icing and carpet.

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