[PURPLE] XV / Make What You Will

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WARNINGS: Strong language

-Day 45; Friday, July 14th, 2017-

Kris Wu was fine with driving home from the hospital that night.

He was fine with Junmyeon in the passenger seat, slumped over onto Kris' shoulder, his eyes closed. Kris rested his hand on Junmyeon's thigh, listening to his steady inhales and exhales.

Kris kept the radio off, not wanting to risk playing anything and waking him. He even took the long way to the apartment, wanting to avoid the bumpy roads.

Even when he pulled into the apartment parking lot, he still didn't want to wake Junmyeon, so opted to carry him inside instead, praying that for whatever reason the elevator wasn't down.

Kris carried him bridal style, close to his chest, and fiddled with his keys and the lobby doors long enough that he was scared he'd either drop or wake Junmyeon.

"Whatcha got there? Sleeping Beauty?" Bae Joohyun greeted. She was leaned over the front desk, a magazine sprawled out in front of her. The pink in the ends of her hair was fading out, muddled into a light pink-dark brown hybrid.

"Close. Kim Junmyeon." Kris remarked, grinning.

"What's your business with Junmyeon, anyway?" Joohyun asked, flipping a page in her magazine.

"What do you mean?" Kris questioned, shifting Junmyeon around in his arms. Junmyeon wasn't particularly heavy (Kris actually poked fun at him a lot for being underweight), but his weight was becoming a little straining on Kris' arms.

"Like, how do you know him?" Joohyun asked. "What's your relationship with him? Why do you care about him? Why are you all over his social media? Why are you all he ever talks about? Why do you live with him? Why did you show up out of the blue and are suddenly all that? Who are you?"

Jeez, and Kris thought he was the Criminology major. He knew interrogation sessions with less questions than that.

"First, I'm his boyfriend." Kris started. He saw Joohyun's eyebrows shoot up. "I think that covers the rest of the questions, too."

"That doesn't explain where you came from."

"Met him at school." Kris said. Junmyeon moved around in his sleep, his hand coming up and resting on Kris's chest, gripping onto the collar of his shirt and balling it into his fist.

"We'll talk more later." Joohyun said, regarding Junmyeon. "Considering you've been around longer than I thought you'd be."

"What do you mean by that?" Kris said, a little taken aback. Should he be offended by that?

"That we'll talk tomorrow when it's not like, three in the morning." Joohyun blinked at him blankly.

"No, the second part. That I've been around her longer than you thought I'd be." Kris tried his best to keep accusation and any passive-aggressiveness out of his voice, but it was still there, underlying.

"Junmyeon's had quite a few people come in and out." Joohyun said, flipping another page of her magazine. "No one's ever stayed as long as you, though. They're usually out within a week or so. Some just stay the night. I don't know what they do and what they're there for. Make what you will of it."

"Sure will." Kris muttered, walking over to the elevator and jabbing the button. "Night, Joohyun."

Make what you will of it.

Those words echoed in his ears as he stood in the elevator, Junmyeon still asleep in his arms. They bounced around as he entered the apartment, and bothered him as he set Junmyeon down gently down on his side of the bed, unlatching his fingers from the collar of his shirt and then removing it.

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