The Salad

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The salad had a combination of many mixtures: colors, shapes, sizes, taste, and texture. It was the perfect salad, resting peacefully in its large bowl until I used my fork to disturb its slumber.

The color stood out; announcing with it's brightness that it wanted my attention. A swirly rainbow in a bowl waiting for me to indulge myself in its flavors. From the red-orange of the tomatoes, to the sunshine yellow peppers, making my mouth smile in delight. Dark green spinach leaves whispered of health benefits, the green outer layer and white center of the cucumber promised a mouth full of fun, orange cheese shreds called for a fiesta in my mouth and the smoky brown color of the chopped mushrooms held a calming effect but encouraged you to dig in for more. A vegetable floral delight for the eyes.

The popular images flooding the eyes demanding to be dug into first. Triangular cucumbers, square yellow peppers, wheel-shaped tomatoes, trapezoid mushrooms, rhombus spinach, and square shape lettuce all tossed about in relaxing fun.

Each vegetable cut, chopped, diced and sliced in a variety of sizes ranging from tiny to small to medium, making sure a little taste of everything can be had in one bite.

The tasty flavors pop their juicy goodness onto the taste buds with each fork full. The slight bitterness of the spinach, the sweetness of the peppers, the acidy delight of the tomatoes, to the saltiness of the croutons all rolled together to cheer for the party held within each bite.

Even the texture added to the musical enjoyment of the giant rainbow salad. The crispy crunch of the cucumbers was the drums, the sweet blow of the pepper horn's light crunch, the spinach the steady rhythm of a guitar, the tomatoes the lead singer and the mushrooms played the part of the back up singers. Upon each crunch and chew a musical melody was released and I the creator.

I released the chords of the delicious delight and pleasure until the bowl and fork sat alone and empty with no cords to play.

I am left satisfied with my creation.

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