"Fall back! Fall back now!" Wong shouted at the group. The fog had numbed their bodies, which made it hard to move their limbs. Younger sorcerers cried out in fear as their flesh slowly started to turn into stone.
No one seemed to notice that Mordo and Stephen were missing from the scene.
"Dad! Have you seen my duffel bag?" Peter shouted rummaging through his closet.
"Not my job to keep track of your stuff squirt!" Tony shouted from his office."Not helping!" The teen groaned.
"Maybe if you get off of that phone you'll find something!" Tony teased."I don't even have my phone! You took it away!" Peter yelled, getting up from the floor.
"Oh right, my bad!"Per laughed and shook his head. Before he could start reorganizing his closest, a crash was heard. "Dad?" The teen shouted in worry. Peter hastily got to his feet when his father didn't respond, "Dad? Are you okay?" He tried again as he speed-walked to his dad's office.
"What the- Mr. Dr. Strange?" Peter let out a squeak of surprise as the man stumbled out of the portal and fell to the ground in only seconds. The teen watched as the portal closed, behind a man in dark robes was smiling devilishly.
"Peter! C'mon help! You have to get him to the infirmary." Tony shouted, trying and failing to pick Stephen up by himself. Peter quickly shook out of his thoughts and moved to help save his dad's magical boyfriend.
Wow, today was such a weird day!
Once the duo got to the infirmary Tony singled to get Helen Cho on the line.
"Stay with him and try to stop bleeding. I'll be right back." Peter tried to ignore how had the man's hands were shaking as he stepped out of the room.The teenager took a deep breath and began working on possibly saving his mentor's life.
"When Stephen wakes up he'll know what you did." A voice whispered from the shadows.
"He'll pass it off as a bad dream. Strange doesn't want his only friend to be viewed in that light." The man waved off. "We have more pressing matters at hand."
"Yes sir, the plan is halfway complete. A few more weeks at most."
"Ew, is he dead?"
"Clint!" Peter and Tony shouted in unison."Woah sorry! Geesh!" Clint yelled holding his hands up. "This the sexy not so witch doctor?"
"He's dad's boyfriend." Peter replied staring at the injuries that his mentor has. "What happened?" The teen found himself questioning.
"He said it was a mission, didn't tell me what it was. Maybe Wong knows?" Tony let out a sigh as he ran a hand over his face.
"Relax, just wait until he wakes up. It'll be fine." Clint said unhelpfully.
Peter rolled his eyes and turned to his dad, "Do you want me to go find Wong?""Yeah, maybe he can help somehow." Tony nodded.
The two adults watched as the teen left wearing his Spiderman suit.
"So you told him." Clint started as he eyed his friend, Tony nodded. "How did it go?""He didn't care much, happy for me though." Ton shrugged.
Clint broke out in a smile and patted the man on the back. "Told you. Nothing to worry about."
Peter felt his nerves flare up as he got closer to the wizard lair, something was off. The Spiderman's eye lenses narrowed as the hero got on top of a nearby building trying to see anything that was at a miss.
"Are we spies now Spidey?" A voice questioned which caused Peter to falter his balance and slam into a hard force as he moved towards the voice. "Easy there tiger! Take me out to dinner first."
Peter felted stunned as he stared at the red and black mask that stood in front of him. "Deadpool? What are you doing here?"
"Saw you coming from a mile away, sweet cheeks." Deadpool winked through the leather mask.
"Right, well I'm going to go now." Spiderman began awkwardly pointing towards the Sanctum."Gasp! Are you on a mission? Can I come? Please? Oh please! I'll be in my best behavior I promise!" Deadpool begged to the hero.
Peter sighed and nodded, "Fine, just be quiet and don't touch anything."
"Yes!" The Merc cheered in happiness. "They say never meet your heroes, but you've been nothing but good to me." The man sighed dreamily.
"Right well, just stay behind me and don't do anything I'm not doing. The people in there don't like it when their stuff gets touched." Peter informed the anti-hero.
"Aye aye captain!" Deadpool saluted before diving off of the building. Peter rushed to the edge of the building and watched as the merc fell into a dumpster.
"Well at least I won't have to scrape his insides off of the sidewalk." Spiderman shrugged and followed the other male in leaping off of the building.
The two masked men entered the Sanctum quietly and carefully began to walk around the hallways, as to not trigger any traps.
"Dude we're ninjas! Look at this!" Deadpool shrieked as he palmed a glass structure that contained a set of cult-like robes.
"What did I say? No touching anything!" Peter harshly whispered, grabbing a hold of the man's shoulders and tugged them backwards.
They stumbled a few steps back and proceed to knock over a large bowl of sorts.
"Shit!" Peter cussed as footsteps sounded. "C'mon!" Spiderman quickly grabbed a hold of the merc and webbed them up to the ceiling.A dark-skinned man came running into the room and stopped short once his eyes rested on the golden bowl laying on the floor. "They must've left." The man whispered to himself looking around.
"He couldn't have remembered what happened, not yet anyway. Just to be safe I'll have to bump up the plan a few notches." He mumbled picking up the bowl and sitting it back at its original place.
"Just a few more weeks, and soon the Sorcerer Supreme won't be."
The duo waited until the man left to get back onto the ground.
Peter turned to Deadpool with wide and anxious eyes. "This is bad."Wake Me Up; Avcii

FanfictionLife can change in a matter of moments. For Tony Stark, it was when America's golden boy had cheated on him. The moment Peter Parker was kidnapped but saved. And for Stephen Strange, it was when Tony Stark offered a solution to his boredom.