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Jevin barely had time to question where he was before the overgrown scene kid in the Captain America-inspired outfit ran right into him, spilling the diamond gear he was carrying. Jevin tried to regain what little bearings he had as the stranger frantically gathered the loot he dropped.

"No time to explain. Just run." the stranger gasped.

Jevin was not even off the ground when an arrow whizzed past his head, immediately filling him in on the situation and forcing him to rise and run. As he was running, Jevin looked back to see who was chasing him. He saw a slightly pale Python with an equally pale blond in shorts and a green t-shirt with a weird symbol on it, attempting to share the same suit of armor.

Jevin turned to the stranger he was running with. "Give me one good reason to not trip you," he said.

"I'll share the gear with you."

Jevin was starting to think about tripping this guy until he saw a purple glint off the pickaxe. 'It might be fortune.' he thought to himself. "Okay, if we live, I get the pickaxe," he responded.

"Okay, deal."

The duo eventually lost their pursuers by running in a thick forest and ducking in a random cave.

"Well, a deal's a deal," the scene kid said, holding out the pick to Jevin, who snatched it up and examined it.

It had fortune III, unbreaking III, and mending. The joy Jevin felt made him forget the past few minutes. He looked around the cave mouth and found a patch of coal.

"Hey dude, go chop down some trees so we can make torches. We're going caving."


Iskall and Mini searched the forest for answers but found nothing. They had no clue why the woke up in these unfamiliar woods with someone they only heard about in passing in some pvp circles, but the two wisely decided to put off fighting each other until they knew what was going on. Luckily for them, Mini and Iskall woke up near a relatively shallow surface cave which was rich with iron, and in their second smart move of the day, the usually meat-headed duo decided to try to throw together armor and tools before heading out.

They had wandered the forest for a few hours without finding anyone. Then Iskall saw a moving figure dressed in brown moving away from them in the distance. No way. It couldn't be.' Iskall thought as he approached the figure. As he grew closer, Iskall saw that the figure was wearing lighter brown clothes than the person he was thinking of, but they had the same figure and the hair was just about the same, except lighter.

"Scar, is that you?" he called out.

The figure turned and attacked Iskall, swinging a diamond sword at him, but Iskall blocked with his iron sword. While the swords were locked, he got a better look at his attacker. It had Scar's face, but from the way it reacted to Iskall speaking to it and the red eyes it sported, he could tell this was not Scar.

Mini was rushed over to help Iskall when an arrow shot out from his left side. He looked to his left only to see a flash of rust running through the trees. Meanwhile, "Scar" kicked Iskall in the gut, knocking him over. The arrow assailant fired another one at Iskall's head, only missing by an inch. As Iskall tried to get to get to his feet, the Scar copy lunged at him, but Mini was able to knock "Scar" into a tree, giving Iskall time to get to his feet and run.

Once they were both far enough away from that area, they felt safe enough to speak.

"There's something majorly wrong. First, we wake up in the middle of nowhere with complete strangers, then an evil version of Scar attacks us. Who could have set all this up?" Iskall said.

"I mean back on Evo we had these people called The Watchers, but we were all about to leave before this happened. Do you know anyone who could have done this?" Mini asked.

"No, not really."

They both sat there until Mini finally spoke up.

"Well whatever it is, we need to be better prepared, which means we'll need better gear."

Iskall nodded in agreement.


Under normal circumstances, Zee would not let Mini and Iskall being between him and some diamonds stop him and Scar from getting said diamonds (the four of them could even share), but when he saw Iskall push a small hoard of zombies into a lava pool, he started feeling apprehensive. The apprehensiveness got stronger as Mini and Iskall walked away from the glowing lava pool into the darkness, revealing their glowing red eyes.

Scar did not have these qualms until he saw the eyes. It took every ounce of control in him to make sure he didn't scream.

The two tried to calmly back away from their friends, keeping the glowing eyes in sight, but Scar accidentally kicked a pebble. Iskall and Mini heard it.

"Is anyone there?" Iskall asked with a twisted smile on his face.

Zee and Scar froze.

"It's okay. We won't hurt you." Mini called, drawing his sword.

Iskall pulled out his bow and drew it. "We just want to help."

Fear overtook Zee and Scar, and they both ran away.

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