Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I made a mental note to myself  to kill Sky for leaving me for her boyfriend like a lost puppy right after the practice. Like seriously, I don't know where to go without my two best of friends. Speaking of, where the hell is Adie? She often waits for Sky and I at one of those benches with one of Shakespeare's books on her lap. Searching over mountains and seas for any possible reason why she wasn't here, I received a message from my great bestfriend.

"Sorry Katie, I friggin forgot to tell you that Simon and I are going out today. I promised him and you know, I'm not the kind of girl who dumps their boyfriend on their first date. So sorry babe. Mwah, love lots your Adie"

What the?! Are they kiddin me ? Not just one, but the two of them dumped me for their oh-so-great love which I dont have and it sucks.

Earth on Katie, I cheered. Yey.

I was standing alone on the drama club's theatrical stage where we always practice. I was too busy taking pity on myself that I haven't noticed where I was going, then suddenly I felt my body being dragged down. I hate gravity. I was falling the stage No. No. Dumb Dumb. Why haven't I watched where I was going ? I closed my eyes and waited for my back to hit the floor. It was just a matter of seconds before I fell to the floor.

My eyes were closed yet somehow I knew that it wasn't the floor that welcomed me. Strong muscular arms of a man held me. For once in my life, I thanked muscles even though for my perspective they seem  look ugly. One at a time, I opened my eyes too see whose the strong yet the soft arms were. Wild olive green eyes that glittered like emeralds met my gaze and I stared onto them without breaking up the eye contact. They were beautiful. Honestly, more beautiful than mine.

"Ughm, can I put you down ? You see you're ... heavy " He broke the eye contact that lasted for about half a minute, put me down and plotted a handsome smirk on his face.

What the hell did he say ? If It weren't about his looks and his sexy body than no wonder I could already have punched him in the chest. No one talks about my weight. Instead of punching him in the face and ruining his angelic looks, I went for his foot and barged at it which caused him to yelp.

"What did you say ?" I managed to say.

"Ouch. That hurts. Hmm, nothing. I said nothing at all. What I was about to say is to be careful next time."

He winked at me and boy was he cute. 

"Okayy, I thought I heard something but anyways, thank you for you know." Despite the best insult or let's just say , compliment he gave me a while ago, I still thanked him heartily. He still saved my spinal cord form being damaged.

"Its no biggie. I'm glad to help." Mr Green eyes waved me goodbye and left me standing with a wandering mind. 

Who was the guy ? He was not that very familar nor was he the talk of the crowd.

Too tired to think, I went home and got grounded for coming home late. My parents doubt that their only daughter is too damn good that they gave her a curfew. A daughter's gotta do what a daughter's gotta do. I just didn't complain about it, I love my parents too much.

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