Chapter 10

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So much about yesterday- the whole drama and stuffs, I decided to keep things going just the way they were or even better.

Temporarily, I didn't know what to think and feel of what Lucy told me the other day. The feeling was,well, unrecognizable yet it's kind of insufferable. As far as I know, I shouldn't feel happy nor angry so I have to deal with what's with me right now.

My morning in school went it's usual way except for the part that I was called up to the principal's office for something. It really bothered me. Have I failed a subject? No, of course not! Yes, I do have a lot of things to do but I make sure to catch up with my lessons. In the history of Westman High School , this would be the first I would be called by the principal's office so this must be something really really big. 

Oh my gosh, What have I done?I thought. I walked slowly towards the head's office counting all mistakes and rules in school that  I have broke but as far as my memory can recollect, I have done nothing to bypass the laws.

"Ms.Olsen, the principal has been expecting you. He can't wait to see you." the friendly secretariat acknowledged me.

"Or eat me" The words left my mouth before I even thought it would. Quickly, I glanced at the secretary who was now writing. Good thing she didn't hear me or else I maybe dead before being able to hear the most miserable news from the head of this school. I took in a deep breath and went in.

"Goodmorning Mr. Henz." I greeted the man sitting in front of me warmly.

"Goodmorning young lady. Please sit down." Mr. Henz directed me the seat that was in front of his table. 

"I called you here in my office for I have to tell you something really important." He crossed his arms across his chest that made my heart beat really fast.

No! I didn't do a thing ! Every piece of my body wanted to shout.

"What is it sir?" I managed to ask calmly despite the pressure burning inside me.

"Somebody very special wants to see you." 

Huh ?! Who would that special somebody be ? I heard the door opening and half turned my body around to see my parents.

Why would they be here ? I thought I was expecting to see a somebody. Then just right after my mother waved me a hello, a tall skinny beautiful looking woman appeared behind my parents.

At an angle, she looked familiar. Haven't I seen her in a magazine? I questioned. 

"Take a seat." Mr. Henz offered politely.

My mother took the seat beside me while my father and the gorgeous lady sat across us.

"I'll just be outside." The prinicipal stood up and left the room without saying any more words. 

I didn't understand the setting. What does this lovely lady have to do with me ? and remind me why my parents are here ? 

While I was in deep reverie, the lady seating across smiled at me. Do I have to smile back ? I don't know her. 

I smiled. She looked kind enough.

"Katie, things lately are .. ha .. have changed." My mother broke the silence stretching across the whole room. She held my hand and squeezed it tight.

"You're a grown up now and I hope after you hear what I have to tell you, you won't be running around drunk just like some other teens there."

"Just tell me, Mom." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "She's my mom. I know." I said quickly without waiting another second to pass. 

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