Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"What were you doing back there?" I asked him.

"I went back to get something important." Matt answered.

I didn't bother to ask him for it was out of my business. I held onto the shirt Matt gave me before we drove off. I looked down and read the words written "NUMBER 18, I AM STUPID". With those words, I let out a chuckle forgetting what just happened earlier. The shirt he gave me suits me very well.

"What are you laughing at?" Matt queried.

I looked straight in his eyes and answered. "Ah, it's about your shirt. It states here that i am stupid."

"Oh," Stillness blosssomed. Then Matt broke it off. "I'm sorry if I had to give you that shirt, I didn't mean to.."

"No, Oh no. You don't need to feel sorry. I'm just laughing at myself for being maladroit and a mess. You see, earlier, I forgot to check on my tires so they got flat then when I went for the sea, when I came back, my duffel bag with all my things on it was lost and now." I stopped realizing that today was really a bad day. "I was almost raped by a crazy man. Matt, I don't see the point of mocking you when all you do is save me." I continued.

Though the way home was dark, I still did see a smile plastered in his face.

"I bet you're hungry right now." Matt looked at me, clinging to his hair.

"Really." I said without saying another word then all of a sudden my stomach grumbled genuinely hard that I attracted wide green eyes from Matt. The next thing he did ? He laughed out loud. Not funny. 

I threw him daggers and just like that he stopped but I could still hear him giggle a little. After a 15 minute drive from the beach, Matt parked his car in front of a diner. He waited for me to get out and together, we went inside. The diner was cozy and was overly decorated with random Mexican stuffs. A waiter just at the same of mine navigated us to a table at the corner. Matt and I both sat at the chairs which were across each other.

"Here's our menu." The waiter gave away their list of menus. Seriously, everything on the list was delicious. I loved Mexican food starting from the day my mom had brought me to a restaurant right in the core of New York city.

"I'll have some tacos de carnitas and a glass of water." I told the waiter who was writing down my order.

"And as for you, sir ?

"Hmm. Cemita melanisa and a glass of water too."

"Alright, I'll be back with your orders in a minute." The waiter shifted fastly through the tables.

Make it fast please. I'm totally hungry. As I looked around the diner, I caught glimpse of the time from the clock on the wall. It was 8:30 in the evening. Oh my gosh. My parents would kill me by the time I arrive home. My day just got worse. With both hands, I cupped my face, feeling all the bitternes brought by this day. 

"What's wrong?" Worried eyes caught me off guard.

"Aah, nothing. It's just this day is jinxed." I relaxed my shoulders onto the soft thing on my seat. 

"Want me to take you to this place where I find fun? Its just a 5 minute drive from here." Matt tried his best to make his voice sound persuading.

Let me eat first, please. I'm hungry.

It was as if he read my thoughts that he said. "We can take our food with us. By the way you reacted, you sure are hungry."

Curiousity in my head twirled.

The Cheerleader who loves MathWhere stories live. Discover now