Chapter 16

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Natalie's P.O.V

I woke up and Calum's words kept circulating my mind.

"I will help you" 

But how?! How can he help?! I can't go solo. But to be honest it would be a nice change. To stand out against my parents and actually be who I want to be! They can't keep controlling me and keep throwing me down in the dirt and make me feel like a nobody. This is my once in a life time oppurtunity where I am away from them and can be free. 

I decided to call up Isabel so she can come over and do something different with me. I wanna have a whole new look. I was thinking of getting a new piercing too. I am sick of tired of how my friends are treating me and I just wanna be set loose and start fresh. 

Isabel comes over quickly and she dies parts of my hair red. She only goes underneath the hair so when I put it in a bun it will show. But she put like small red highlights here and there and honestly it looks amazing! 

After dying my hair, Isabel and I go downtown and go shopping around and talking until we run into a pericing store. We go in and I was having a hard time to decide if i wanted a nose piercing or a lip piercing. So i just go with the nose and get a cartilage piercing too. Never in my life have I ever felt so content about my self. 

As I look down at my watch I see it is 10 pm

"Wow, time actually flies by when you are having fun!" I giggle to Isabel

"Ya I know! Want to go dinner then go our seprated ways"

"Ya sure where shall we go"

There is a long silence between us then we starting laughing and just head to McDonalds.

Once we go into McDonald I saw Will. Isabel nudged me and I blushed

"Oh hey girls" Will smiled and walked over to us.


Rose's P.O.V

I was so excited to come home and tell everyone the news. I finally got a job.

But once I got home no one was there. I was shocked because normally Natalie is home. I wonder where she is. She normally isn't out this late.

I go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat, and soon slowly the other girls come in. Jess as usual comes in drunk, what use to be shocking not anymore, but Maia is drunk too. Maia has been following Jess's footsteps. And whatever i tell Maia that whatever Jess doesn't isn't good for her but she doesn't listen. Jess is now passed out on the couch and Maia just disapeared. Krytal offers to go find Maia and I attempt to take Jess to her room and change her outfit and put her in bed. 

After all that Krystal and I sit down on the couch talking for a bit

I told her how I got a new job and she got excited.

"What is your job?!" Krystal said all excited but was quite cause she didn't want to wake up the others

"Well I work in a vintage shop in downtown. They have anothering opening if you want you come down and see if they will let you in! It will be fun!" I offered

"Oh my gosh really?! What time?!"

"Well my shift starts at 10:30, so we will go in at 10 and see what he has to say" I say

"Oh my gosh I am so excited!" Krystal exlaimed

After a moment of silence as the T.V noise filled the room, Krystal spoke up

"Do you know where Nat is? It is pretty late and she isn't home"

"No i don't i was thinking about her earlier, why don't you give her a call?"

Krytal immeditaly got her phone and called her. You can see the panic in her eyes as she tries to hid it. I know she is afraid that something happened to her.

"Rose she is not picking up!" Krystal starts to panic "Is this what she feels like when she calls us and we don't pick up..." Krystal begins to rant

"Hey Krystal shhhh, it will be okay, she could be out with Isabel or Calum or is shopping or something and her phone is off or dead. She should be home soon okay" I give her a smile

"Can we stay up for a little longer see if she comes home" She asked innocently


We sit down and decide to put The Notebook on while we wait

After the first 30 min, we both fall asleep on the couch...


Third Person

As Alexa walks into the house, she see's Rose and Krystal sleeping on the couch with the T.V on. She nudges them both and tells them to go upstairs. 

Alexa walks upstairs also but walks into Natalies room to see it being empty. She looks at the time and see it is 12 am. 

She grabs her phone and dials Natalie

"Hello?" Natalie picks up

"Natalie where are you?" Alexa said aggresivly

"Why?! Why does it matter, I am out with some friends and we are chilling. I won't tell you my location cause I know you will come after and take me home. Can once in my life someone not tell me when i should come home and such! I'm actually having the best time with my life and i don't need people like you sounding like mom and dad and make me feel underhouse arrest!" Natalie quickly hangs up after wards

Alexa is in shock and hated how Natalie compared her to their parents. She tidies up the house and look at the clock again and to only see it is 12:30. 

Alexa just thought to herself how she will come back again and talk to Natalie when she is alone and in a better mood and quietly leaves the dark and silent house.



jesus it took me years to update and i am so sorry.

Ive been going through hard times so it has been so much harder to update! but now i have a free period at school so i can see if i can squeeze writing there if not ill try again at home like how i am doing now. anywhooo

BUT AYYYEEE CHAPTER 16?! How was this chapter! Sorry it was short.. im trying something new. Do you like shorter chapters or longer chapters? Let me know

don't forget to vote and comment and do all your buizzzz!

Love you guys don't forget to smile! -N.

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