Chapter 12

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Natalie's P.O.V

Us girls walk into the house. It is honestly breathtaking inside. Chandeliers hanging here and there, some decors and photo frames all around.

"Okay, in front of us is the living room. And the living room leads to a backyard, the kitchen, and stairs to the theater room.

In the kitchen leads to a hallway were it leads to another part of the basement but can also take you upstairs to one of your guy's room.

But in that hallway it also leads to the dining room. And next to us is the dining room, so it all connects in a way.

These stairs in front of us also leads us upstairs to the bedrooms." Alexa starts talking.

Alexa starts talking more but by now I am not paying attention, I probably should but I am in awe right now. I'll ask one of the girls later.

I'm kind of freaking out right now too cause I'm afraid to get lost in the massive house... and the things that can happen in our house.

"From what I know about you guys, I, guess you can say assigned, your rooms to you. And had some help personalizing it too! Yes you can go back and like redo your whole room, but I did the best I could do.

We will start with this room. This room belongs to Krystal.." Alexa starts describing her room. It had like a library in her room and some other stuff that I wasn't paying attention too.

The next room was Rose. It had space where she could practice her cheer routine and like another room.. I don't know how to explain this. It is like one of the like celebrities dressing room. But it was huge!

Jess and Maia was next and their rooms were based off of what they got a scholarship in plus what they like to do.

"Oh also I saw your YouTube video the other day, and you have like a filming studio and like a recording studio in here too. Its in the second basement I guess you can call it." Alexa said.

"The next room is Natalie's!"

We walking into the room and I am like literally blinded. I had tons of windows, and a balcony... I don't remember if the other girls had a balcony too.... But damn this is huge.

Like every window was huge and like the balcony was like literally wrapped around my room and lead to this amazing view of the city on one side and like the "country side" on the other. It was beautiful.

"Well I knew how much you like photography so I thought maybe you could have this room. The balcony really wraps around all of your guys rooms so you all have it but I figured you could have this room... I don't know, sisterly instinct. Your room also leads to the recording studio/filming studio."


We finished touring the house and now we are literally having a picnic in our yard. Our yard was huge, it apparently lead to like a littler pond area, which was cool. There was like a volleyball area, tennis area, trampoline area... oh my gosh there was so much stuff here. There is a pool. Gosh the list never ends. It is like.

I wasn't in much mood of a picnic. I told the girls I will be in my room. I was really tired. I wasn't in the mood to unpack either, so literally I just crashed onto my bed.

I'm such a lazy person. I was thinking of calling my parents saying that I made it but I wasn't in that mood either. I was going to call Isabel saying I'm here, but ending up grabbing a book and my headphones and started to read until my eyelids grew heavier and heavier.


Ashton's P.O.V

We finally made it to England. That was a really long and tedious flight. I'm glad we don't have to do anything for a week so we can get use to it here and before we can start writing and get the whole touring thing into one piece.

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