The Prison

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Talia's POV:

I was quietly and swiftly walking through the woods watching for the gurgling POS's we call walkers and food. I came across a walker but esily kiled it with my knife throwing and awesome aim. But what put me in danger was the gurgling noise became louder and louder by the second. I started running, I killed most of them but a few cornered me. " Im dead" I said.

Just then they were taken down by an arrow, a familliar arrow. I looked up and seen Daryl, I remembered him but he didn't seem to remember me at all. He covered my head with a sack and tied my hands together and made me walk. After what seemed like an eternity of walking we made it to some kind of building. He uncovered my head and threw me into a cell.

After an hour a man and Daryl came back with a China looking man. "3 questions" The man said. "ok" I calmly said. "How many walkers have you killed, How many people have you killed, and Whats your name?" The man asked. "Too many too count, 4 and only because 3 were turning and begged me and 1 because he was beating on a woman. And my name is Talia Dixon, Lil' sister of Merle Dixon and Daryl Dixon." I said as everyone gasped.

"Daryl mentioned having a little sister but he said you were dead. Oh and I'm Rick by the way" Rick said. I felt hurt that Daryl had said that I was dead and that he thought I couldn't make it in this world. " You will have too stay in here until I feel  you can be trusted" Rick said. I nodded.

I sat in my "prison", rejecting food that came. I checked my bag i had then checked another bag and shrugged. I fell into a deep deep sleep. Hours later I was released from my cell by a young boy about my age. I stood up and smiled.

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