Am I Going Psycho?

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Talia's POV:

I whined and seen black,black, black, and more black. I heard Daryl and Carltrying to wake me up. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the cold, what looked like, fall air coarsing through the prison. Daryl smiled and hugged me, I hugged back but yawned. Carl looked at me and smiled aswell, but he didn't hug me, he kissed me.

I smiled too and kissed back, forgetting Daryl was there. Daryl faked coughed and I smiled at him while laughing. I got up warily and immediately felt dizzy. I brushed it off and walked out into the main room of our cell block and seen the familliar face of Beth, Maggie, and Carol. Beth rushed to me and hugged me, I hugged back but pulled away as I heard a loud scream of agony.

Rick and Carol came running in with no T-dog. I looked at Rick and he shook his head. "He sacrificed himself to save Carol" He said sadly. I frowned, T-dog was like my brother. I felt arms snake around my waist, Carl kissed my cheek and pulled me into a tight hug.

I looked at the ground, sighing. Carl twirled me around too face him too see my face stained with tears. He wiped away my tears and pulled me into a tighter hug. I buried my face in his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and pulled me to his cell which he boarded up.

He laid me on the bottom bunk and sat next to me. I scooted over, giving him room. He laid down and kissed me, I smiled and kissed back. He trailed his kisses down my neck, a small moan escaping my throat. He smirked and unbuttoned my shirt,



Hey sorry for such a short chapter. I didnt want to keep you guys waiting!

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