Nikki Raim

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It was very unusual to have bumped into one of my childhood friend. It was kind of strange, like fate wanted us to meet again. But there she was, in all her Britishness, Jemma Simmons.

"Jemma?" I questioned.

"Nikki?" She studied me.

"It's you!" We said at the same time.

We throw our arms around each other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking around at all the Valentine's things around.

"Just looking around, shopping. How about you?" She replied.

I was about to reply when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a peck is placed on my cheak.

"Him," I told her pointing at Sam.
"This is my fiance, Sam. Sam, this is Jemma, an old friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you," she greeted. "How long have you know each other?"

"About 5 years," Sam said.

Jemma nodded.

"Are you planning to do anything for Valentine's day?" I asked her.

"I don't really know..." She said.

"Don't you have any man who loves you to treat you like a queen tommorow?"

Jemma smiled and blushed a bit. I raised my eyebrows.

"Stop it!" She said.

"Well, do you?"

"She reminds me of Daisy," she mutters and looks at her feet.
She looks back up and smiles.

Right then and there I go into fangirl/over protective friend mode.

"OMG OMG OMG! Can I meet him? What's he like? Is he nice? Is he cute? Do you like him? How did you meet? How long have you known one another? Are you sure he's not a crazy psychopath knife murderer that is going to kill you?" I was out of breath by the time I finished.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down Nikki. I didn't catch all of that, but I love him, he's adorable, and no I'm pretty sure he's not a psychopath murderer or whatever you said." She stated proudly.

"Can I meet him," I ask, very enthusiastically.

"Sure," she shrugs.

----------------------Time Skip----------------------

We are at Jemma's house, waiting for her lover.

Suddenly, I hear a jingle of keys and a doorknob turning. Wait, this man that Jemma loves has keys to her house? That's crazy. Even Sam doesn't have keys to my house.

A guy walks into the room. Jemma runs up to him, and they embrace. No words are exchanged, no kisses, just them cuddled up. It was honestly really cute.

They finally let go of each other, and the man gives Jemma a bundle of flowers. She's squeals, thanks him, then introduces us.

"This is Fitz. Fitz, this is Nikki and Sam."

We say our hellos.

"I feel bad for you, that your name is Fitz," I speak.

"It's not that bad, better than Leopold." He responds.

I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"Fitz is his last name, but everyone calls him that," Jemma explains.

"And does he call you Simmons?"

"Actually, yes," I was surprised at her ad. What happened to that sweet, innocent girl? "That or Jemma."

We talked for a bit, and a really like Fitz. Their life story was interesting. They didn't tell much, though. (They would sound insane for some seasons *cough cough* all of them *cough cough*)

We finally said goodbye, and as I was leaving, I saw a sparkle on Jemma's ring.

"You're married?!" They both jumped.

"Yeah, I thought you knew," Jemma said.

"So Jemma Fitz now?"

"Actually Fitzsimmons" she stated with a smile.


Happy Valentine's day everybody! Love through the world.

I hope you liked this one. A bit Valentinesy. Remember to comment and vote!


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